Trustless verifiable data infrastructure powered by zero-knowledge proofs


vlayer provides tools and infrastructure that give smart contracts super powers like time travel to past blocks, teleport to different chains, access to real data from the web, and email.

vlayer allows smart contracts to be executed off-chain. The result of the execution can then be used by on-chain contracts.


Getting Started

To get started with vlayer, install vlayer, set up your first project and check out the explainer section to learn how vlayer works.


See how to time travel across block numbers, teleport from one chain to another, prove data coming from email or web and use helpers for JSON and Regex.

From JavaScript

Learn how to interact with vlayer from your JS code and how to generate web proofs and email proofs using our SDK.


Learn in-depth how:


The easiest way to install vlayer is by using vlayerup, the vlayer toolchain installer.

Supported Platforms

Linux: Only Ubuntu 24.04 LTS or newer versions with x86_64 CPU architecture are supported. Other Linux distributions may work but are not officially supported.

Mac: Macs with Intel CPUs are not supported. Use an M1/M2/M3 mac.


Before working with vlayer, ensure the following tools are installed:

Additionally, you'll need Bun to run examples. For more details, refer to the Running Examples Locally section.

Get vlayerup

To install vlayerup, run the following command in your terminal, then follow the onscreen instructions.

curl -SL | bash

This will install vlayerup and make it available in your CLI.

Using vlayerup

Running vlayerup will install the latest (nightly) precompiled binary of vlayer:


You can check that the binary has been successfully installed and inspect its version by running:

vlayer --version

First steps with vlayer

Creating a new project

Run this command to initialize a new vlayer project:

vlayer init project-name

It creates a folder with sample contracts.

Adding to an existing project

Use the --existing flag to initialize vlayer within your existing Foundry project:

cd ./your-project && vlayer init --existing

Example project

To initialize a vlayer project with example prover and verifier contracts, use the --template flag as shown below:

vlayer init simple --template simple

The following templates are available for quick project setup:

  • simple: Prove an ERC20 token balance at a specific block number.
  • simple-email-proof: Mint an NFT to the owner of an email address from a specific domain.
  • simple-teleport: Prove a cross-chain ERC20 token balance.
  • simple-time-travel: Prove the average ERC20 token balance across multiple block numbers.
  • simple-web-proof: Mint an NFT to the owner of a specific X/Twitter handle using Web Proofs.

Directory structure

The vlayer directory structure resembles a typical Foundry project but with two additional folders: src/vlayer and vlayer.

  • src/vlayer: Contains the Prover and Verifier smart contracts.
  • vlayer: Has contract deployment scripts, client SDK calls to the prover, and verifier transactions.

Running examples

❗️ Make sure that you have Bun installed in your system to build and run the examples.

First off, build the contracts by navigating to your project folder and running:

cd your-project
forge build

This compiles the smart contracts and prepares them for deployment and testing.

Please note that vlayer init installs Solidity dependencies and generates remappings.txt. Running forge soldeer install is not needed to build the example and may overwrite remappings, which can cause build errors.

Then, install Typescript dependencies in vlayer folder by running:

cd vlayer
bun install


In order to use the testnet, you will need to provide a couple of secrets.

Firstly, create vlayer/.env.testnet.local - this is where you will put all your secret keys in.

Log in to your vlayer account next (if you don't yet have a vlayer account, see below) and in the vlayer dashboard, generate a new secret API key and save it in vlayer/.env.testnet.local as


❗️ We will be inviting new users periodically to our testnet. You can join the waitlist at

There are two steps to joining the waitlist:

  • specify your email address
  • fill in our typeform with some additional info about yourself

We want to invite folks who are really driven members of our community and would really like to test our products and help us make them even better, therefore filling in the typeform will be a proof of your determination and a necessary ingredient to get you in through the door.

Next provide a private key for deploying example contracts and sending transactions to the verifier in the vlayer/.env.testnet.local file as


By default, optimismSepolia is configured in the vlayer/.env.testnet file. However, you can override this setting to use other testnets.

To change the desired network, set the CHAIN_NAME and JSON_RPC_URL environment variables in vlayer/.env.testnet.local.

Once configured, run the example from within the vlayer directory using:

bun run prove:testnet

Local devnet

Running examples on a local devnet requires deploying a local instance of the prover and anvil. If you want to run on local environment, use Docker:

$ bun run devnet

This command will start all required services in the background.

Once the devnet is up, run the example from within the vlayer directory:

bun run prove:dev

Web Proof example

First, install the vlayer browser extension from the Chrome Web Store (works with Chrome and Brave browsers). For more details about the extension, see the Web Proofs section.

Then deploy the WebProofProver and WebProofVerifier contracts:

cd vlayer
bun run deploy:dev # deploy to local anvil
bun run deploy:testnet # deploy to testnet

Start web app on localhost:

cd vlayer
bun run dev

The app will be available at http://localhost:5174 and will display buttons that will let you interact with the extension and vlayer server (open browser developer console to see the app activity).

How it works?

vlayer introduces new super powers to Solidity smart contracts:

  • Time Travel: Execute a smart contract on historical data.
  • Teleport: Execute a smart contract across different blockchain networks.
  • Web proof: Access verified web content, including APIs and websites.
  • Email proof: Access verified email content.

Prover and Verifier

To implement the above features, vlayer introduces two new contract types: Prover and Verifier.

The Prover code runs on the vlayer zkEVM infrastructure. Proof data structure is the result of this operation.

The Verifier verifies generated proof and runs your code on EVM-compatible chains.

Both types of contracts are developed using the Solidity programming language.

vlayer contract execution

A typical vlayer execution flow has three steps:

  1. The application initiates a call to the Prover contract that is executed off-chain in the zkEVM. All the input for this call is private by default and is not published on-chain.
  2. The result of the computation is passed along with a proof to be executed in the on-chain contract. All the output returned from Prover contract is public and is published on-chain as parameters to the Verifier contract.
  3. The Verifier contract verifies the data sent by the proving party (using the submitted proof by client) and then executes the Verifier code.

See the diagram below.

Off-chain execution simplified diagram The flow of vlayer contract execution


vlayer Prover contracts have a few distinct properties:

  • verifiability - can be executed off-chain and results can't be forged.
  • privacy - inputs are private by default and are not published on-chain.
  • no gas fees - no usual transaction size limits apply.

All arguments passed to the Prover contract functions are private by default. To make an argument public, simply add it to the list of returned values.

See the example Prover contract code below. It generates proof of ownership of the BYAC (Bored Ape Yacht Club) NFT.

contract BoredApeOwnership is Prover  {
    function main(address _owner, uint256 _apeId) public returns (Proof, address) {  
      // jumps to block 12292922 at ETH mainnet (chainId=1), when BYAC where minted
      setChainId(1, 12292922); 

      require(IERC721(BYAC_NFT_ADDR).ownerOf(_apeId) == _owner, "Given address not owning that BYAC");

      return (proof(), _owner); 

In order to access Prover specific features, your contract needs to derive from the vlayer Prover contract. Then setChainId() teleport context to a historic block at Ethereum Mainnet (chainId=1) in which the first mint of BYAC NFT occurred. require makes sure that the given address (_owner) was the owner of the specific _apeId at that point of time. The owner address, which makes it public input for the Verifier contract.


The Verifier smart contract validates the correctness of a computation generated by Prover, without revealing the underlying information. Such contracts can be used to facilitate more complex workflows, such as privacy-preserving decentralized finance (DeFi) applications or confidential voting systems.

Verification logic is immutable once deployed on the blockchain, ensuring consistent and permissionless access.

See the example Verifer contract below. It transfers tokens to proven owner of certain NFT:

contract Airdrop is Verifier {
  function claim(Proof calldata _p, address owner) 
    onlyVerified(PROVER_VLAYER_CONTRACT_ADDR, NftOwnership.main.selector) 
    IERC20(TOKEN_ADDR).transfer(owner, 1000);

Note that the above contract inherits from the Verfier vlayer contract. It is necessary for veryfing the computation done by the Prover contract from the previous step.

claim() function takes proof returned by the vlayer SDK as the first argument. Other arguments are public inputs returned from Prover main() function (in the same order).

onlyVerified(address, bytes4) modifier ensures that proof is valid and takes two arguments:

  • Address of the Prover contract
  • Function selector of the Prover main function

Proof doesn't have to be passed to onlyVerified as an argument. However, it has to be passed as an argument to function that is being decorated with onlyVerified, along with the public outputs.

To learn more about how the Prover and Verifier work under the hood, please refer to our Advanced section.

Time travel

Actively in Development

Currently, it’s possible to time travel to any past block. However, this will change once the proving code is fully developed; limits may be introduced on how far back you can travel. Until this update is complete, a malicious prover could potentially create fake time travel proofs.

Access to historical data

Unfortunately, direct access to the historical state from within smart contracts is not possible. Smart contracts only have access to the current state of the current block.

To overcome this limitation, vlayer introduced the setBlock(uint blockNo) function, available in our Prover contracts. This function allows switching context of subsequent call to the desired block number.

This allows aggregating data from multiple blocks in a single call to a function.



The following is an example of Prover code that calculates the average USDC balance at specific block numbers.

contract AverageBalance is Prover {
    IERC20 immutable token;
    uint256 immutable startingBlock;
    uint256 immutable endingBlock;
    uint256 immutable step;

    constructor() {
        token = IERC20(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48); // USDC 
        startingBlock = 6600000;
        endingBlock = 6700000;
        step = 10000;

    function averageBalanceOf(address _owner) public returns (Proof, address, uint256) {
        uint256 totalBalance = 0;
        uint256 iterations = 0;

        for (uint256 blockNo = startingBlock; blockNo <= endingBlock; blockNo += step) {
            totalBalance += token.balanceOf(_owner); // USDC balance
            iterations += 1;
        return (proof(), _owner, totalBalance / iterations);

First call to the setBlock(blockNo) function sets the Prover context for the startingBlock (6600000 configured in the constructor). This means that the next call to the token.balanceOf function will read data in the context of the 6600000 block.

Next call to setBlock() sets the Prover context to block numbered 6610000 when step is configured to 10000. The subsequent call to token.balanceOf checks again total balance, but this time in block 6610000.

Each call to token.balanceOf can return different results if the account balance changes between blocks due to token transfers.

The for loop manages the balance checks, and the function’s final output is the average balance across multiple blocks.


After proving is complete, the generated proof and public inputs can be used for on-chain verification.

contract AverageBalanceVerifier is Verifier {
    address public prover;
    mapping(address => bool) public claimed;
    HodlerBadgeNFT public reward;

    constructor(address _prover, HodlerBadgeNFT _nft) {
        prover = _prover;
        reward = _nft;

    function claim(Proof calldata, address claimer, uint256 average)
        onlyVerified(prover, AverageBalance.averageBalanceOf.selector)
        require(!claimed[claimer], "Already claimed");

        if (average >= 10_000_000) {
            claimed[claimer] = true;

In this Verifier contract, the claim function allows users to mint an NFT if their average balance is at least 10,000,000. The onlyVerified modifier ensures the correctness of the proof and the provided public inputs (claimer and average).

If the proof is invalid or the public inputs are incorrect, the transaction will revert.

💡 Try it Now

To run the above example on your computer, type the following command in your terminal:

vlayer init --template simple-time-travel

This command will download all the necessary artefacts into your current directory (which must be empty). Make sure you have Bun and Foundry installed on your system.


Actively in Development

Currently, it’s possible to teleport between any blockchain networks. However, this will change once the proving code is fully developed. After that, only specific network pairs will support teleportation. Until this update is complete, a malicious prover could potentially create fake teleportation proofs.

Ethereum ecosystem of chains

The Ethereum ecosystem is fragmented, consisting of various EVM chains such as Base, Arbitrum, Optimism, and many more. Developing applications that interact with multiple chains used to be challenging, but Teleport makes it easy.

Teleporting betweens chains

setChain(uint chainId, uint blockNo) function, available in Prover contracts, allows to switch the context of execution to another chain (teleport). It takes two arguments:

  • chainId, which specifies the chain in the context of which the next function call will be executed
  • blockNo, which is the block number of the given chain



The example below shows how to check USDC balances across three different chains. Following tokens are passed to the constructor:

Erc20Token[] memory tokens = [
    Erc20Token(0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48, 1, 20683110), // mainnet
    Erc20Token(0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913, 8453, 19367633), // base
    Erc20Token(0x0b2C639c533813f4Aa9D7837CAf62653d097Ff85, 10, 124962954) // optimism
contract SimpleTeleportProver is Prover {
    Erc20Token[] public tokens;

    constructor(Erc20Token[] memory _tokens) {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) {

    function crossChainBalanceOf(address _owner) public returns (Proof memory, address, uint256) {
        uint256 balance = 0;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            setChain(tokens[i].chainId, tokens[i].blockNumber);
            balance += IERC20(tokens[i].addr).balanceOf(_owner);

        return (proof(), _owner, balance);

First, the call to setChain(1, 20683110) sets the chain to Ethereum mainnet (chainId = 1). Then, the ERC20 balanceOf function retrieves the USDC balance of _owner at block 20683110.

Next, setChain(8453, 19367633) switches the context to the Base chain. The balanceOf function then checks the balance at block 19367633, but this time on the Base chain.

Subsequent calls are handled by a for loop, which switches the context to the specified chains and block numbers accordingly.


After proving is complete, the generated proof and public inputs can be used for on-chain verification.

contract SimpleTravel is Verifier {
    address public prover;
    mapping(address => bool) public claimed;
    WhaleBadgeNFT public reward;

    constructor(address _prover, WhaleBadgeNFT _nft) {
        prover = _prover;
        reward = _nft;

    function claim(Proof calldata, address claimer, uint256 crossChainBalance)
        onlyVerified(prover, SimpleTravelProver.crossChainBalanceOf.selector)
        require(!claimed[claimer], "Already claimed");

        if (crossChainBalance >= 10_000_000_000_00) { // 100 000 USD
            claimed[claimer] = true;

In this Verifier contract, the claim function lets users mint an NFT if their cross-chain USDC average balance is at least $100,000. The onlyVerified modifier ensures that the proof and public inputs (claimer and crossChainBalance) are correct.

If the proof or inputs are invalid, the transaction will revert, and the NFT will not be awarded.

💡 Try it Now

To run the above example on your computer, type the following command in your terminal:

vlayer init --template simple-teleport

This command will download all the necessary artefacts into your current directory (which must be empty). Make sure you have Bun and Foundry installed on your system.

Finality considerations

Finality, in the context of blockchains, is a point at which a transaction or block is fully confirmed and irreversible. When using vlayer setChain teleports, chain finality is an important factor to consider.

One should be aware that different chains may have different finality thresholds. For example, Ethereum Mainnet blocks are final after no more than about 12 minutes.

In the case of L2 chains, things are a bit more complicated. For example in case of optimistic rollup, like Optimism and Arbitrum, after L2 blocks are submitted to L1, there's a challenge period (often 7 days). If there is no evidence of an invalid state transition during this period, the L2 block is considered final.

Now consider teleporting to blocks that are not yet final in the destination chain. This can lead to situations where we are proving things that can be rolled back. It is important to include this risk in a protocol. The simplest way is to only teleport to blocks that are final and cannot be reorganized.


Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

Existing web applications including finance, social media, government, ecommerce and many other types of services contain valuable information and can be turned into great data sources.

With vlayer, you can leverage this data in smart contracts.

Web Proofs

Web Proofs provide cryptographic proof of web data served by any HTTPS server, allowing developers to use this data in smart contracts. Only a small subset of the required data is published on-chain.

Web Proofs ensure that the data received has not been tampered with. Without Web Proofs, proving this on-chain is difficult, especially when aiming for an automated and trusted solution.

Example Prover

Let's say we want to mint an NFT for a wallet address linked to a specific X/Twitter handle.

Here’s a sample Prover contract:

import {Strings} from "@openzeppelin-contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
import {Proof} from "vlayer-0.1.0/Proof.sol";
import {Prover} from "vlayer-0.1.0/Prover.sol";
import {Web, WebProof, WebProofLib, WebLib} from "vlayer-0.1.0/WebProof.sol";

contract WebProofProver is Prover {
    using Strings for string;
    using WebProofLib for WebProof;
    using WebLib for Web;

    string dataUrl = "";

    function main(WebProof calldata webProof, address account)
        returns (Proof memory, string memory, address)
        Web memory web = webProof.verify(dataUrl);

        string memory screenName = web.jsonGetString("screen_name");

        return (proof(), screenName, account);

What happens in the above code?

  1. Setup the Prover contract:

    • WebProofProver inherits from the Prover contract, enabling off-chain proving of web data.
    • The main function receives a WebProof, which contains a signed transcript of an HTTPS session (see the chapter from JS section on how to obtain WebProof). The transcript is signed by a Notary (see Security Considerations section for details about the TLS Notary).
  2. Verify the Web Proof:

    The call to webProof.verify(dataUrl) does the following:

    • Verifies the HTTPS transcript.
    • Verifies the Notary's signature on the transcript.
    • Ensures the Notary is on the list of trusted notaries (via their signing key).
    • Confirms the data comes from the expected domain ( in this case).
    • Check whether the HTTPS data comes from the expected dataUrl. dataUrl is a URL Pattern against which the actual URL is checked.
    • Ensures that the server's SSL certificate and its chain of authority are verified.
    • Retrieves the plain text transcript for further processing.
  3. Extract the relevant data:

    web.jsonGetString("screen_name") extracts the screen_name from the JSON response.

  4. Return the results:

    If everything checks out, the function returns the proof placeholder, screenName, and the account.

If there are no errors and the proof is valid, the data is ready for on-chain verification.

💡 Try it Now

To run the above example on your computer, type the following command in your terminal:

vlayer init --template simple-web-proof

This command will download all the necessary artifacts to your project.
The next steps are explained in Running example

Example Verifier

The contract below verifies provided Web Proof and mints a unique NFT for the Twitter/X handle owner’s wallet address.

import {WebProofProver} from "./WebProofProver.sol";
import {Proof} from "vlayer/Proof.sol";
import {Verifier} from "vlayer/Verifier.sol";

import {ERC721} from "@openzeppelin-contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";

contract WebProofVerifier is Verifier, ERC721 {
    address public prover;

    constructor(address _prover) ERC721("TwitterNFT", "TNFT") {
        prover = _prover;

    function verify(Proof calldata, string memory username, address account)
        onlyVerified(prover, WebProofProver.main.selector)
        uint256 tokenId = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(username)));
        require(_ownerOf(tokenId) == address(0), "User has already minted a TwitterNFT");

        _safeMint(account, tokenId);

What’s happening here?

  1. Set up the Verifier:

    • The prover variable stores the address of the Prover contract that generated the proof.
    • The WebProofProver.main.selector gets the selector for the WebProofProver.main() function.
    • WebProofVerifier inherits from Verifier to access the onlyVerified modifier, which ensures the proof is valid.
    • WebProofVerifier also inherits from ERC721 to support NFTs.
  2. Verification checks:

    The tokenId (a hash of the handle) must not already be minted.

  3. Mint the NFT:

    Once verified, a unique TwitterNFT is minted for the user.

And that's it!

As you can see, Web Proofs can be a powerful tool for building decentralized applications by allowing trusted off-chain data to interact with smart contracts.


A Notary is a third-party server that participates in a two-sided Transport Layer Security (TLS) session between a client and a server. Its role is to attest that specific communication has occurred between the two parties.

Security Considerations

The Web Proof feature is based on the TLSNotary protocol. Web data is retrieved from an HTTP endpoint and it's integrity and authenticity during the HTTP session is verified using the TLS protocol (the "S" in HTTPS), which secures most modern encrypted connections on the Internet. Web Proofs ensure the integrity and authenticity of web data after the HTTPS session finishes by extending the TLS protocol. Notary, joins the HTTPS session between the client and the server and can cryptographically certify its contents.

From privacy perspective, it is important to note that the Notary server never has access to the plaintext transcript of the connection and therefore, Notary can never steal client data and pretend to be client. Furthermore, the transcript can be redacted (i.e. certain parts can be removed) by the client, making these parts of the communication not accessible by Prover and vlayer infrastructure running the Prover.


The TLSN protocol allows for redacting (hiding) parts of the HTTPS transcript from Prover, i.e. not including certain sensitive parts (e.g. cookies, authorization headers, API tokens) of the transcript in the generated Web Proof, while still being able to cryptographically prove that the rest of the transcript (the parts which are revealed) is valid.

vlayer allows for the following parts of the HTTPS transcript to be redacted:

  • HTTP request:
    • URL query param values.
    • header values.
  • HTTP response:
    • header values.
    • string values in JSON body.

Each value must be redacted fully or not at all. No other part of HTTP request or response can be redacted. The Solidity method webProof.verify() validates that these conditions are met. This way we ensure that the structure of the transcript cannot be altered by a malicious client. After redacting JSON string value for a given "key", web.jsonGetString("key") returns a string with each byte replaced by * character.

In order to learn how to enable and configure redaction using vlayer SDK, see Redaction section in our Javascript documentation.

Trust Assumptions

It is important to understand that the Notary is a trusted party in the above setup. Since the Notary certifies the data, a malicious Notary could collude with a malicious client to create fake proofs that would still be successfully verified by Prover. Currently vlayer runs it's own Notary server, which means that vlayer needs to be trusted to certify HTTPS sessions.

Currently vlayer also needs to be trusted when passing additional data (data other than the Web Proof itself) to Prover smart contract, e.g. account in the example above. The Web Proof could be hijacked before running Prover and additional data, different from the original, could be passed to Prover, e.g. an attacker could pass their own address as account in our WebProofProver example. Before going to production this will be addressed by making the setup trustless through an association of the additional data with a particular Web Proof in a way that's impossible to forge.

vlayer will publish a roadmap outlining how it will achieve a high level of security when using the Notary service.


Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

Email Significance

Many online services, from social media platforms to e-commerce sites, require an email address to create an account. According to recent surveys, more than 80% of businesses consider email to be their primary communication channel, both internally and with customers.

All of this means that our inboxes are full of data that can be leveraged.

Proof of Email

With vlayer, you can access email content from smart contracts and use it on-chain.

You do this by writing a Solidity smart contract (Prover) that has access to the parsed email and returns data to be used on-chain. This allows you to create claims without exposing the full content of an email.

Under the hood, we verify mail server signatures to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the content.

Email Safety Requirements

Not all emails that are considered valid by email servers will meet the validity requirements for vlayer. Email servers use various rules based on DMARC, DKIM, and SPF to determine if an email is valid. When creating an Email Proof, only DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) signatures are used to prove the authenticity of an email. Therefore, the following additional preconditions must be met:

  • The email must be signed with a DKIM-Signature header.
  • The email must be sent from a domain that has a valid DKIM record.
  • The email must have exactly one DKIM signature with a d tag that matches the domain of the From header.
  • The email must have a signed From header containing a single email address.

If the email doesn't have a DKIM signature with matching signer and sender domains, it may indicate that the sender's email server is misconfigured. Emails from domains hosted on providers like Google Workspaces or Outlook often have a DKIM signature resembling the following:

From: Alice <>
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
   d=xyz-com.***; s=20230601;;

Note that the d tag domain in this example is, which is a Google Workspaces domain. The From header domain is This email will not pass the DKIM validation and fail with the Error verifying DKIM: signature did not verify error.

Another potential issue is the use of subdomains. For example, if the email is sent from [email protected] and the d tag in the DKIM signature is, the email will not be considered valid. Similarly, if the email is sent from [email protected] and the d tag is, the email will also be invalid.

DKIM validation will fail if the email body has been modified by a proxy server. The body hash included in the DKIM signature ensures the integrity of the email’s content. Any alteration to the body will invalidate the signature.

DKIM and DNS Notary

The simplified flow of the DKIM signature is:

  1. The sender SMTP server has a private and public key pair.

  2. The public key is published in DNS as a TXT record under <selector>._domainkey.<domain> where:

    • <selector> is a unique identifier under s= tag in the DKIM-Signature header
    • _domainkey is a fixed string
    • <domain> is the sender's domain, stored in the d= tag in the DKIM-Signature header.
  3. The email server adds a DKIM-Signature header to the email and sends it.

  4. The recipient SMTP server receives the email.

  5. SMTP server checks DKIM-Signature header, reads d= tag ... stating its singers domain and selector, which gives him notion where to look for the key.

  6. The recipient server fetches the public key from DNS and verifies the signature.

The last step becomes tricky: we don't have the access to DNS from the Solidity level. Instead, we'll have to prove that the DNS record is indeed valid and pass it together with the email to the prover contract.

The DNS Notary (aka. Verifiable DNS) service exists for this reason: it uses the DNS Queries over HTTPS (DoH) protocol to fetch DNS records from several providers, signs them if they are valid and secure, and returns the signature together with the record.


Let's say someone wants to prove they are part of a company or organization. One way to do this is to take a screenshot and send it to the verifier. However, this is not very reliable because screenshot images can be easily manipulated, and obviously such an image cannot be verified on-chain.

A better option is to prove that one can send email from their organization domain. Below is a sample Prover contract that verifies from which domain an email has been sent.

Below is an example of such proof generation:

import {Strings} from "@openzeppelin-contracts-5.0.1/utils/Strings.sol";
import {Proof} from "vlayer-0.1.0/Proof.sol";
import {Prover} from "vlayer-0.1.0/Prover.sol";
import {RegexLib} from "vlayer-0.1.0/Regex.sol";
import {VerifiedEmail, UnverifiedEmail, EmailProofLib} from "vlayer-0.1.0/EmailProof.sol";

contract EmailDomainProver is Prover {
    using RegexLib for string;
    using Strings for string;
    using EmailProofLib for UnverifiedEmail;

    function main(UnverifiedEmail calldata unverifiedEmail, address targetWallet)
        returns (Proof memory, bytes32, address, string memory)
        VerifiedEmail memory email = unverifiedEmail.verify();
        require(email.subject.equal("Verify me for Email NFT"), "incorrect subject");
        // Extract domain from email address
        string[] memory captures = email.from.capture("^[^@]+@([^@]+)$");
        require(captures.length == 2, "invalid email domain");
        require(bytes(captures[1]).length > 0, "invalid email domain");

        return (proof(), sha256(abi.encodePacked(email.from)), targetWallet, captures[1]);

It can be convenient to use Regular Expressions to validate the content of the email.

Email is passed to the Solidity contract as an UnverifiedEmail structure that can be created using the preverifyEmail function in the SDK. preverifyEmail should be called with the raw .eml file content as an argument (learn how to get this file). The email is also required to have From and DKIM-Signature headers.

You can also use the preverifyEmail function inside the Solidity tests.

struct UnverifiedEmail {
  string email;
  string[] dnsRecords;

First, we verify the integrity of the email with the verify() function. Then we have a series of assertions (regular Solidity require()) that check the email details.

If one of the string comparisons fails, require will revert the execution, and as a result, proof generation will fail.

💡 Try it Now

To run the above example on your computer, type the following command in your terminal:

vlayer init --template simple-email-proof

This command will download, create, and initialize a new project with sample email proof contracts.

Email structure

The email structure of type VerifiedEmail is a result of the UnverifiedEmail.verify() function. Since the verify function actually verifies the passed email, VerifiedEmail's fields can be trusted from this point.

struct VerifiedEmail {
  string from;
  string to;
  string subject;
  string body;

A VerifiedEmail consists of the following fields:

  • from - a string consisting of the sender's email address (no name is available);
  • to - a string consisting of the intended recipient's email address (no name is available);
  • subject - a string with the subject of the email;
  • body - a string consisting of the entire body of the email.

By inspecting and parsing the email payload elements, we can generate a claim to be used on-chain.

Getting .eml Files

Obtaining an .eml file can be helpful for development purposes, such as testing your own email proofs. Below are instructions for retrieving .eml files from common email clients.


  1. Open the email you want to save.
  2. Click the three-dot menu in the top-right corner of the email.
  3. Select Download message.

gmail screen instruction

Outlook / Thunderbird

  1. Open the email you want to save.
  2. Click on the File menu.
  3. Select "Save As".

Security Assumptions

Billions of users trust providers to deliver and store their emails. Inboxes often contain critical information, including work-related data, personal files, password recovery links, and more. Email providers also access customer emails for purposes like serving ads. Email proofs can only be as secure as the email itself, and the protocol relies on the trustworthiness of both sending and receiving servers.

Outgoing Server

The vlayer prover verifies that the message signature matches the public key listed in the DNS records. However, a dishonest outgoing server can forge emails and deceive the prover into generating valid proofs for them. To mitigate this risk, vlayer supports only a limited number of the world's most trusted email providers.

Preventing Unauthorized Actions

Both outgoing and incoming servers can read emails and use them to create proofs without the permission of the actual mail sender or receiver. This risk also extends to the prover, which accesses the email to generate claims. It is crucial for protocols to utilize email proofs in a manner that prevents the manipulation of smart contracts into performing unauthorized actions, such as sending funds to unintended recipients.

For example, it is advisable to include complete information in the email to ensure correct actions. Opt for emails like: "Send 1 ETH from address X to address Y on Ethereum Mainnet" over partial instructions, like: "Send 1 ETH," where other details come from another source, such as smart contract call parameters. Another approach is to use unique identifiers that unambiguously point to the necessary details.

JSON Parsing and Regular Expressions

Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

When dealing with Web Proofs, the ability to parse JSON data is essential. Similarly, finding specific strings or patterns in the subject or body of an email is crucial for Email Proofs.

To support these needs, we provide helpers for parsing text using regular expressions and extracting data from JSON directly within vlayer Prover contracts.

JSON Parsing

We provide four functions to extract data from JSON based on the field type:

  • jsonGetInt: Extracts an integer value and returns int256;
  • jsonGetBool: Extracts a boolean value and returns bool;
  • jsonGetString: Extracts a string value and returns string memory;
  • jsonGetArrayLength: Returns length of an array under provided jsonPath, returns uint256.
import {Prover} from "vlayer/Prover.sol";
import {Web, WebLib} from "vlayer/WebProof.sol";

contract JSONContainsFieldProof is Prover {
    using WebLib for Web;

    function main(Web memory web) public returns (Proof memory, string memory) {
        require(web.jsonGetInt("deep.nested.field") == 42, "deep nested field is not 42");
        // If we return the provided JSON back, we will be able to pass it to verifier
        // Together with a proof that it contains the field
        return (proof(), web.body);

In the example above, the function extracts the value of the field deep.nested.field from the JSON string below and checks if it equals 42.

  "deep": {
    "nested": {
      "field": 42

The functions will revert if the field does not exist or if the value is of the wrong type.

Currently, accessing fields inside arrays is not supported.

Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for finding patterns in text.

We provide functions to match and capture a substring using regular expressions:

  • matches checks if a string matches a regular expression and returns true if a match is found;
  • capture checks if a string matched a regular expression and returns an array of strings. First string is the whole matched text, followed by the captures.

Regex size optimization

Internally, the regular expression is compiled into a DFA. The size of the DFA is determined by the regular expression itself, and it can get quite large even for seemingly simple patterns. It's important to remember that the DFA size corresponds to the cycles used in the ZK proof computation, and therefore it is important to keep it as small as possible. We have a hard limit for a DFA size which should be enough for most use cases. For example the regex "\w" includes all letters including the ones from unicode and as a result will be over 100x larger than a simple "[a-zA-Z0-9]" pattern. In general, to bring the compiled regular expression size down, it is recommended to use more specific patterns.

import {Prover} from "vlayer/Prover.sol";
import {RegexLib} from "vlayer/Regex.sol";

contract RegexMatchProof is Prover {
    using RegexLib for string;

    function main(string calldata text, string calldata hello_world) public returns (Proof memory, string memory) {
        // The regex pattern is passed as a string
        require(text.matches("^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$"), "text must be alphanumeric only");

        // Example for "hello world" string 
        string[] memory captures = hello_world.capture("^hello(,)? (world)$");
        assertEq(captures.length, 3);
        assertEq(captures[0], "hello world");
        assertEq(captures[1], "");
        assertEq(captures[2], "world");

        // Return proof and provided text if it matches the pattern
        return (proof(), text);


Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

vlayer Prover contracts are almost the same as regular Solidity smart contracts, with two main differences:

  • Access to Off-Chain Data: Prover contracts accept data from multiple sources through features such as time travel, teleport, email proofs, and web proofs. This allows claims to be verified on-chain without exposing all input the data.

  • Execution Environment: The Prover code executes on the vlayer zkEVM, where the proofs of computation are subsequently verified by the on-chain Verifier contract. Unlike the on-chain contract, the Prover does not have access to the current block. It can only access previously mined blocks. Under the hood, vlayer generates zero-knowledge proofs of the Prover's execution.

Prover in-depth

Prover parent contract

Any contract function can be run in the vlayer prover, but to access the additional features listed above, the contract should inherit from the Prover contract and any function can be used as a proving function.

Arguments and returned value

Arbitrary arguments can be passed to Prover functions. All arguments are private, meaning they are not visible on-chain; however, they are visible to the prover server.

All data returned by functions is public. To make an argument public on-chain, return it from the function.


We impose the following restrictions on the proof:

  • Calldata passed into the Prover cannot exceed 5 MB.


Once the Prover computation is complete, a proof is generated and made available along with the returned value. This output can then be consumed and cryptographically verified by the Verifier on-chain smart contract.

Note that all values returned from Prover functions becomes a public input for on-chain verification. Arguments passed to Prover functions remain private.

The list of returned arguments must match the arguments used by the Verifier (see the Verifier page for details).

vlayer Prover must return a placeholder proof as the first argument to maintain consistency with Verifier arguments. Placeholder Proof returned by Prover is created by its method proof(), which is later replaced by the real proof, once it's generated.


The Prover contract code must be deployed before use. To do so, just use regular Foundry workflow.

Prepare deployment script:

contract SimpleScript is Script {
    function setUp() public {}

    function run() public {
        uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("DEPLOYER_PRIV");

        SimpleProver simpleProver = new SimpleProver();
        console2.log("SimpleProver contract deployed to:", address(simpleProver));

Local environment

In the separate terminal, run the local Ethereum test node:


Then save and execute it:

DEPLOYER_PRIV=PRIVATE_KEY forge script path/to/Script.s.sol --rpc-url

The above command deploys the SimpleProver contract code to local network.

If successful, the above command returns the contract address and the Prover is ready for generating proofs.

For production use proper RPC url and encrypt private key instead of using it via plain text

Verifier contract

Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

vlayer provides Verifier smart contracts that allow on-chain verification of computations performed by Prover contracts. To use the output computed by Prover contract, follow the rules covered in the next section.

Proof Verification

Proof verification can be done by any function that uses the onlyVerified modifier and passes arguments in a particular way. We call such a function verification function. See the example below, with verification function claim.

contract Example is Verifier {

    function claim(
      Proof _p, 
      address verifiedArg1, 
      uint verifiedArg2, 
      bytes extraArg
      returns (uint)

onlyVerified modifier

The onlyVerified modifier takes two arguments:

  1. Prover contract address
  2. the signature of the Prover function used to generate the proof

Proof argument

Passing Proof as the first argument to the verification function is mandatory. Note that even though the proof is not used directly in the body of the verified function, onlyVerified will have access to it via

Verified arguments

After the proof, we need to pass verified arguments. Verified arguments are the values returned by the Prover contract function. We need to pass all the arguments returned by prover, in the same order and each of the same type.

See the example below.

contract Prover {

  function p() return (Proof p, address verifiedArg1, uint256 verifiedArg2, bytes32 verifiedArg3) {

contract Verifier {
  function v(Proof _p, address verifiedArg1, uint256 verifiedArg2, bytes32 verifiedArg3) 

Note: Passing different variables (in terms of type, name, or order) would either revert execution or cause undefined behavior and should be avoided for security reasons.

Extra arguments

Extra arguments can be passed to Verifier by using additional function. This function manages all additional operations connected with extra arguments and then calls the actual verification function.

See the example below:

function f(Proof _p, verifiedArg1, verifiedArg2, extraArg1, extraArg2) {
  v(_p, verifiedArg1, verifiedArg2);

Prover Global Variables

Ready to Use

This feature is fully implemented and ready for use. If you encounter any issues, please submit a bug report on our Discord to help us improve.

In the global namespace, Solidity provides special variables and functions that primarily offer information about blocks, transactions, and gas.

Since Prover contracts operate in the vlayer zkEVM environment, some variables are either not implemented or behave differently, compared to standard EVM chains.

Current Block and Chain

vlayer extends Solidity with features like time traveling between block numbers and teleporting to other chains. As a result, the values returned by block.number and block.chainId are influenced by these features.

Initially, block.number returns one of the recently mined blocks in the settlement chain, known as the settlement block.

Typically, the prover will use the most recent block. However, proving takes time, and up to 256 blocks can be mined between the start of the proving process and the final on-chain settlement. Proofs for blocks older than 256 blocks will fail to verify. Additionally, a malicious prover might try to manipulate the last block number. Therefore, the guarantee is that the settlement block is no more than 256 blocks old. In the future, the number of blocks allowed to be mined during proving may be significantly increased.

It is recommended to set setBlock to a specific block before making assertions.

Regarding block.chainId, initially it is set to the settlement chain ID, as specified in the JSON RPC call. Later, it can be changed using the setChain() function.

Hashes of Older Blocks

The blockhash(uint blockNumber) function returns the hash for the given blockNumber, but it only works for the 256 most recent blocks. Any block number outside this range returns 0.

vlayer-Specific Implementations

  • block.number: The current block number, as described in the Current Block and Chain section.
  • block.chainid: The current chain ID, as described in the Current Block and Chain section.
  • blockhash(uint blockNumber): Returns the hash of the given block if blockNumber is within the 256 most recent blocks; otherwise, it returns zero.
  • block.timestamp: The current block timestamp in seconds since the Unix epoch.
  • msg.sender: Initially set to a fixed address, it behaves like in standard EVM after a call.
  • block.prevrandao: Returns pseudo-random uint, use with caution.
  • block.coinbase(address payable): Returns 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.

Behaves the Same as in Solidity

  • The complete calldata, passed by the prover.

Unavailable Variables

  • block.basefee: Not usable.
  • block.blobbasefee: Not usable.
  • block.difficulty: Not usable.
  • block.gaslimit: Returns 30000000.
  • msg.value: Payable functionalities are unsupported; returns 0.
  • msg.sig: Not usable; does not contain a valid signature.
  • tx.origin: Sender of the transaction (full call chain).
  • blobhash(uint index): Not usable.
  • gasleft: Unused.
  • tx.gasprice: Unused.


Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

The prover and verifier contracts in vlayer are similar to regular smart contracts, allowing you to perform unit testing using your preferred smart contract testing framework.

vlayer introduces the vlayer test command, along with a couple of cheatcodes, which offers additional support for vlayer specific tests:

  • Integration testing involving both the prover and the verifier
  • Preparing data for the zkEVM proofs

This command uses Foundry's Forge testing framework, so if you are familiar with it, you will find the process straightforward.


To manipulate the blockchain state and test for specific reverts and events, Forge provides cheatcodes.

vlayer introduces additional cheatcodes:

  • callProver(): Executes the next call within the vlayer zkEVM environment, generating a proof of computation accessible via getProof.
  • getProof(): Retrieves the proof from the last call after using callProver.
  • preverifyEmail(string memory email) returns (UnverifiedEmail memory): Fetches the DNS for the RSA public key used to sign the email.

Similar to some other Forge cheatcodes, like prank or expectEmit, callProver() must be used before the call to the prover function.

Also note, that majority of the cheatcodes are performing a call under the hood. This means, that if you use a cheatcode, like console.log between callProver() and the prover function call, the proof will be generated for the console.log call, not for the prover function call.

    // Don't do this
    console.log("this will be proved, instead of prover.main()");
    uint venmoBalance = prover.main();

Another effect of the callProver() is that it effectively disables all the testing specific functions in the next call. In general, callProver() should only be used if you want to generate a proof for the validation call, as it brings a noticeable overhead to the test.

Differences against Forge

There are a few forge functionalities that are explicitly disabled in the vlayer tests:

  • Having setUp() function in the test contract. Currently, every unit test needs to set up the environment on its own. It's still possible to create a separate function and call it at the beginning of each test.
  • Watch mode
  • Forking the blockchain

Example Usage

import {VTest} from "vlayer-0.1.0/testing/VTest.sol";

contract WebProverTest is VTest {
    WebProver prover;
    WebVerifier verifier;

    function test_mainProver() public {
        callProver(); // The next call will execute in the Prover
        uint venmoBalance = prover.main();
        Proof memory proof = getProof();
        verifier.main(proof, venmoBalance);

Running Tests

The vlayer test command searches for all contract tests in the current working directory.

Any contract with an external or public function beginning with test is recognized as a test. By convention, tests should be placed in the test/ directory and should have a .t.sol extension and derive from Test contract.

vlayer specific tests are located in the test/vlayer directory and should derive from the VTest contract, which provides access to additional cheatcodes.

To run all available tests, use the following command:

vlayer test

This command runs both Forge tests and vlayer specific tests.

Environments: Devnet & Testnet

The vlayer network consists of several types of nodes: provers, indexers, notaries, and proxies. These nodes are essential for executing vlayer smart contract features, including Time Travel, Teleport, and proofs for Email and Web.

Currently, two environments are supported:

  • testnet: public environment supporting multiple L1 and L2 testnets.
  • devnet: local environment that runs with Docker Compose, providing all necessary services for development.

The production network release is scheduled for Q1 2025.


By default, vlayer CLI, SDK, and example apps use the testnet environment, with no additional configuration required.

The Test Prover operates in FAKE mode and works with the following testnets:

chaintime travelteleportemail/web

✅ Supported, 🚧 In progress

Public Testnet Services

Proverhttps://test-prover.vlayer.xyzzkEVM prover for vlayer contracts
Indexerhttps://test-chainservice.vlayer.xyzStorage proof indexer
Notaryhttps://test-notary.vlayer.xyzTLS Notary server
WebSocket Proxyhttps://test-wsproxy.vlayer.xyzProxying websocket connections for TLS Notary


Devnet allows you to run the full stack locally, including anvil and all required vlayer nodes.

Starting Devnet


From the vlayer Project

Navigate to the vlayer project directory and start services in the background:

cd ${project}/vlayer
bun run devnet

Outside of the vlayer project

Download and run vlayer Docker Compose to start services:

docker compose -f <(curl -L up -d

Available Services

Anvil-Ahttp:// devnet
Anvil-Bhttp:// devnet (for time travel/teleport testing)
Anvil-Chttp:// devnet (for time travel/teleport testing)
Proverhttp:// prover for vlayer contracts
Indexerhttp:// proof indexer
Notaryhttp:// Notary server
WebSocket Proxyhttp:// websocket connections

Stopping Devnet

To stop all running services:

docker compose down

Clearing Cache

Cached proofs for time travel and teleport are stored in ./chain_db and can be deleted manually:

rm -rf ./chain_db

Prover Modes

The prover server supports two proving modes:

  • FAKE: Designed for development and testing purposes, this mode executes code and verifies its correctness without performing actual proving. While the Verifier contract can confirm computations in this mode, it is vulnerable to exploitation by a malicious Prover.
  • GROTH16: Intended for production and final testing, this mode performs real proving.


Testnet and devnet provers run in FAKE mode by default.

Note: FAKE mode is limited to dev and test chains to prevent accidental errors.

GROTH16 Mode

GROTH16 mode is slower than FAKE mode and requires significant computational resources.

To speed up proof generation, vlayer supports the use of infrastructure like Bonsai (and eventually Boundless) to offload heavy computations to high-performance machines.

To run a prover node in production mode, download and modify docker-compose.devnet.yaml:

# rest of the config
    # existing vlayer config
      # other env variables...
      BONSAI_API_KEY: api_key_goes_here
    command: "serve --proof groth16 ...other_args"

You can request a BONSAI_API_KEY here.

Note: Protocols should be designed with proving execution times in mind, as generating a proof may take several minutes.

Vanilla JS/TS


Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

A common way to interact with blockchain is to make calls and send transactions from JavaScript, most often from a web browser. vlayer provides developer friendly JavaScript/TypeScript API - vlayer SDK. It combines well with the standard way of interacting with smart contracts.


To install vlayer SDK, run the following command in your JavaScript application

yarn add @vlayer/sdk

vlayer client

The vlayer client provides an interface for interacting with the vlayer JSON-RPC API. It enables you to trigger and monitor proof statuses while offering convenient access to features such as Web Proofs and Email Proofs.


You can initialize a client as shown below:

import { createVlayerClient } from "@vlayer/sdk";

const vlayer = createVlayerClient();


In order to start proving, we will need to provide:

  • address - an address of prover contract
  • proverAbi - abi of prover contract
  • functionName - name of prover contract function to call
  • args - an array of arguments to functionName prover contract function
  • chainId - id of the chain in whose context the prover contract call shall be executed
const hash = await vlayer.prove({
  address: '0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8',
  proverAbi: proverSpec.abi,
  functionName: 'main',
  args: ['0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045', 123],

Waiting for result

Wait for the proving to be finished, and then retrieve the result along with Proof.

const result = await vlayer.waitForProvingResult({ hash });

By default, the waitForProvingResult function polls the server for a proof for 15 minutes. This is achieved through 900 retries with a polling interval of 1 second. You can customize this behavior by specifying the following optional parameters:

  • numberOfRetries: The total number of polling attempts.
  • sleepDuration: The delay (in ms) between each polling attempt. For example, if you want to extend the polling duration to 180 seconds with a 2-second delay between attempts, you can configure it as follows:
const provingResult = await vlayer.waitForProvingResult({
  numberOfRetries: 90,  // Total retries (180s / 2)
  sleepDuration: 2000,  // 2s interval between retries

On-Chain verification

Once the proving result is obtained, one may call the verifier contract to validate the proof. Below is an example using the viem library's writeContract function:

// Create client, see docs here:
// const client = createWalletClient({...}); 

const txHash = await client.writeContract({
  address: verifierAddr,
  abi: verifierSpec.abi,
  functionName: "verify",
  args: provingResult,

React Hooks for vlayer

Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

@vlayer/react is a library of React hooks for interacting with the vlayer.

These hooks provide functions that help manage state and side effects in React components, aligning with React's functional programming paradigm and style of wagmi hooks.


The following libraries are required to use @vlayer/react:

  • React: A library for building user interfaces.
  • Wagmi: A library of React hooks for Ethereum.
  • TanStack Query: A library for efficient data fetching and caching.

Add them to your project if they are not already present:

yarn add react react-dom wagmi @tanstack/react-query


Install the @vlayer/react library using preferred package manager:

yarn add @vlayer/react

Context Providers

Wrap the application with the required React Context Providers and configure the desired connectors and chains to enable @vlayer/react hooks.

import { WagmiProvider, http, createConfig } from "wagmi";
import { baseSepolia, sepolia,optimismSepolia, foundry } from "wagmi/chains";
import { metaMask } from "wagmi/connectors";
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { ProofProvider } from "@vlayer/react";

const wagmiConfig = createConfig({
  chains: [baseSepolia, sepolia, optimismSepolia, foundry],
  connectors: [metaMask()],
  transports: {
    []: http(),
    []: http(),
    []: http(),
    []: http(),

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

function App() {
  return (
    <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
      <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
          {/* Application components go here */}

export default App;

Context providers facilitate the sharing of application state (e.g., connected wallet, selected chain) across components. Once the setup is complete, components wrapped within the WagmiProvider, QueryClientProvider, and ProofProvider can use the vlayer hooks.

Your section on configuring ProofProvider is well-structured and clear. Here are some suggestions to improve grammar, style, and clarity while maintaining the current structure:

Configuring ProofProvider

The ProofProvider component in vlayer is pre-configured for the testnet environment by default, requiring no additional props for basic usage:

    {/* Application components go here */}

Using the config Prop

The ProofProvider also accepts an optional config prop, enabling you to select the desired env. Based on the chosen environment, the provider is automatically configured with the default and pre-configured URLs necessary to access vlayer network services:

    env: "dev|testnet|prod", // Specify the environment
    {/* Application components go here */}

Customizing Service URLs

In addition to selecting an environment, the config prop allows you to specify custom URLs for vlayer network services. These include services like proverUrl, notaryUrl, and wsProxyUrl:

    proverUrl: "",
    notaryUrl: "",
    wsProxyUrl: "wss://",
    {/* Application components go here */}


The useCallProver hook is used to interact with the vlayer prover by initiating a proving process with specified inputs.

Example usage

The callProver function initiates the proving process. Proving is an asynchronous operation, and the result (data) contains a hash that can be used to track the status or retrieve the final proof.

import { useCallProver } from "@vlayer/react";

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const { 
  } = useCallProver({
    address: proverAddress,     // Address of the prover contract
    proverAbi: proverSpec.abi,  // ABI of the prover
    functionName: "main",       // Function to invoke in the prover

  return (
    <button onClick={() => callProver([...args])}>

The callProver function has to be invoked with the required arguments by the prover contract function.

Besides proof hash, the hook returns variables to monitor the request and update the UI:

  • status: Overall status of the initial call to the prover (idle, pending, ready, or error).
  • isIdle: Indicates that no prover call has been initiated.
  • isPending: Indicates the waiting for proving hash is ongoing.
  • isReady: Indicates the proving hash is available.
  • isError: Indicates an error occurred.
  • error: Contains the error message if an error occurred.


The useWaitForProvingResult hook waits for a proving process to complete and retrieves the resulting proof.

Example usage

Pass the proof hash to the hook to monitor the proving process and retrieve the proof (data) when it is ready. If no hash (null) is provided, no request is sent to the prover.

Proof computation is an asynchronous operation, and depending on the complexity of the proof, it may take a few seconds to complete. Proof is null until the computation is complete.

import { useWaitForProvingResult, useCallProver } from "@vlayer/react";

const ExampleComponent = () => {
  const { callProver, data: proofHash } = useCallProver({
    address: proverAddress,     // Address of the prover contract
    proverAbi: proverSpec.abi,  // ABI of the prover
    functionName: "main",       // Function to invoke in the prover

  const { 
  } = useWaitForProvingResult(proofHash);

  return (
    <button onClick={() => callProver([...args])}>

The hook provides additional properties for tracking progress and managing UI updates:

  • status: Indicates the status of the proving result (idle, pending, ready, or error).
  • isIdle: Indicates the hook is not triggered.
  • isPending: Indicates the proof computation is ongoing.
  • isReady: Indicates the final proof is available.
  • isError: Indicates an error occurred during proving.
  • error: Contains the error message returned by the prover

💡 Try it Now

To see vlayer React hooks in action, run the following command in your terminal:

vlayer init --template simple-email-proof

This command will download create a new project. Check out the vlayer/src/components/EmlForm.tsx file to see how vlayer React hooks are used.

Web proofs from javascript

Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

Web Proofs

On top of access to vlayer JSON-RPC proving API, vlayer client provides functionality to generate and prove Web Proofs.

vlayer browser extension

vlayer browser extension screenshot

vlayer provides a browser extension which can be launched (once installed in user's browser) from vlayer SDK and used to generate a Web Proof of a 3rd party website.
vlayer extension is compatible with Chrome and Brave browsers.

We start by instantiating vlayer client.

import { createVlayerClient } from '@vlayer/sdk'

const vlayer = createVlayerClient()

Next, we can define how the vlayer extension should generate the Web Proof. We do this in a declarative way, by specifying the steps the extension should guide the user through.

import {
} from '@vlayer/sdk/web_proof'

const webProofRequest = createWebProofRequest({
  logoUrl: '',
  steps: [
    startPage('', 'Go to login page'),
    expectUrl('', 'Log in'),
    notarize('', 'GET', 'Generate Proof of Twitter profile'),

The above snippet defines a Web Proof, which is generated by the following steps:

  1. startPage - redirects the user's browser to
  2. expectUrl - ensures that the user is logged in and visiting URL. The argument passed here is a URL Pattern against which the user browser URL is checked.
  3. notarize - prompts the user to generate a Web Proof, i.e. to notarize an HTTP GET request sent to URL. This step works by first capturing the request made by the user's browser to the given URL (which is a URL Pattern against which browser request URLs are matched) and, once captured, the request is sent again, this time notarized.

Each step also accepts a human-readable message which the user will see. We can also optionally pass a link to custom logo to display in the extension.

Once we have a definition of how a Web Proof should be generated we can request it.

import { proverAbi } from './proverAbi'
import { sepolia } from 'viem/chains'

const hash = await vlayer.proveWeb({
    address: '0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8',
    functionName: 'main',
    args: [webProofRequest, '0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045'],
    chainId: sepolia,

The above snippet:

  • Opens vlayer browser extension and guides the user through the steps defined above. The Web Proof is generated using vlayer default Notary server and WebSocket proxy (see section WebSocket proxy below for more details).
  • Once the Web Proof is successfully generated, it is submitted to prover contract:
    • with address 0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8,
    • whose interface is defined by proverAbi,
    • calling functionName function of the contract,
    • passing the specified args - the generated Web Proof will be passed as first argument in this example,
    • executing the method call on prover contract within the context of chainId.

To learn more details about the Web Proof feature, please see the Web Proof section.

Low-level API

While the vlayer client method proveWeb described above provides a convenient interface to both the vlayer browser extension and the prover contract, we also provide methods that can access each of them separately.

We can configure a Web Proof provider which uses vlayer browser extension and enables configuring custom Notary server and custom WebSocket proxy (see section WebSocket proxy below for more details).

import { createExtensionWebProofProvider } from '@vlayer/sdk/web_proof'

const webProofProvider = createExtensionWebProofProvider({
    notaryUrl: 'https://...',
    wsProxyUrl: 'wss://...',

Both notaryUrl and wsProxyUrl have default values:

  • notaryUrl:
  • wsProxyUrl: wss://

Because of these defaults, the provider can be initialized without any additional configuration as follows:

const webProofProvider = createExtensionWebProofProvider();

vlayer hosts a public instance of the TLSN notary server for development, experimentation, and demonstration purposes. Notary server can be also self-hosted using Docker.

In the future, vlayer is planning to provide additional Web Proof provider implementations, which can be e.g. ran server-side and don't require vlayer browser extension for the purpose of Web Proof generation.

The Web Proof provider exposes a low-level API to directly define proverCallCommitment (commitment to use the generated Web Proof only with the specified prover contract call details, so it's not possible to submit it in a different context) and to explicitly generate the Web Proof by calling getWebProof.

import {
} from '@vlayer/sdk/web_proof'

// all args required by prover contract function except webProof itself
const commitmentArgs = ['0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045']

const proverCallCommitment = {
  address: '0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8',
  functionName: 'main',
  chainId: sepolia,

const webProof = await webProofProvider.getWebProof({
  logoUrl: '',
  steps: [
    startPage('', 'Go to login page'),
    expectUrl('', 'Log in'),
    notarize('', 'GET', 'Generate Proof of Twitter profile'),

Once we have the Web Proof available we can directly call vlayer client prove method, adding the Web Proof to previously created proverCallCommitment.

import { sepolia } from 'viem/chains'
import { proverAbi } from './proverAbi'

const proof = { webProofJson: JSON.stringify({ presentationJson: webProof.presentationJson }) };

const hash = await vlayer.prove({
    args: [proof, ...commitmentArgs],


vlayer browser extension supports redaction, i.e. hiding certain parts of the HTTPS transcript in the generated Web Proof (see section Redaction for protocol details). In order to configure how the extension redacts the transcript, we can pass the following additional configuration to notarize step:

    'Generate Proof of Twitter profile',
        request: {
          headers: ["cookie"],
      }, {
        request: {
          url_query_except: [],
      }, {
        response: {
          json_body_except: ["screen_name"],
      }, {
        response: {
          headers: ["x-example-header"],

In the above snippet, the last argument to notarize is a list of items, where a single item defines a single part of HTTP request/response that can be redacted. Each item comes in two flavours - the basic one which defines the items that will be redacted and the *_except one, which defines the items that will not be redacted. For example, request: { headers: ["cookie"] } will redact a single request header with name cookie and request: { headers_except: ["cookie"] } will redact all the other headers except cookie (we could pass an empty array request: { headers_except: [] } to redact all request headers).

By default, the transcript is not redacted at all and redaction of each HTTP request/response part needs to be configured to enable redaction.

WebSocket proxy

The WebSocket proxy is required in the Web Proofs setup to allow the vlayer extension to access the low-level TLS connection of the HTTPS request for which we are generating a Web Proof (browsers do not provide this access by default). The default WebSocket proxy, wss://, used in our SDK and hosted by vlayer, supports a limited number of domains.

Currently, the allowed domains are:

  • and

If you'd like to notarize a request for a different domain, you can run your own proxy server. To do this locally run websockify using Docker:

docker run -p 55688:80 jwnmulder/websockify 80

Replace with the domain you'd like to use. Then, configure your Web Proof provider to use your local WebSocket proxy (running on port 55688):

import { createExtensionWebProofProvider } from '@vlayer/sdk/web_proof'

const webProofProvider = createExtensionWebProofProvider({
  wsProxyUrl: "ws://localhost:55688",

Now the notarized HTTPS request will be routed through your local proxy server.

Email proofs from SDK

Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

Email Proofs

In order to prove the content of an email, we firstly need to prepare it to be passed into the smart contract. We provide a handy function for it in the SDK, preverifyEmail.

import fs from "fs";
import { preverifyEmail } from "@vlayer/sdk";
// .. Import prover contract ABI

// Read the email MIME-encoded file content
const email = fs.readFileSync("email.eml").toString();

// Prepare the email for verification
const unverifiedEmail = await preverifyEmail(email);

// Create vlayer server client
const vlayer = createVlayerClient();

const hash = await vlayer.prove({
  address: prover,
  proverAbi: emailProofProver.abi,
  functionName: "main",
  args: [unverifiedEmail],
  chainId: foundry,
const result = await vlayer.waitForProvingResult({ hash });

The email.eml file should be a valid email. Usually it can be exported from your email client.

The email cannot be modified in any way (including whitespaces and line breaks), because it will make the signature invalid.


We're excited to have you here. Below are the key sections where you can get involved with vlayer:

  • Rust: Contribute to vlayer Rust codebase
  • JavaScript: Contribute to vlayer JS/TS codebase
  • Book: update content, or provide feedback to this book
  • Extension: help expand the functionality of our browser extension

Contributing to vlayer Rust codebase


To start working with this repository, you will need to install following software:

Building vlayer

In this guide, we will focus on running examples/simple example.

Build solidity smart contracts

First, make sure the dependencies are up-to-date:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Next, navigate to contracts/vlayer directory, and run:

cd contracts/vlayer
forge soldeer install

Build vlayer proving server

To build the project, first, navigate to the rust directory and run:

cd rust
cargo build


Navigate to packages directory and run:

cd packages
bun install

Next, navigate to packages/sdk directory and run:

cd packages/sdk
bun run build

Running example

Run Anvil

Open a new terminal and run:


Run vlayer proving server

Open a new terminal, navigate to rust directory and run:

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin call_server -- --rpc-url '31337:http://localhost:8545' --proof fake

Build example contracts

Finally, to test proving navigate to examples/simple directory, and run following commands to build example's contracts:

forge soldeer install
forge clean 
forge build

Next, navigate to vlayer directory, and run the following command:

bun install 
bun run prove:dev

For guides about the project structure, check out architecture appendix.

Guest Profiling

To profile execution of Guest code in zkVM, we leverage the profiling functionality provided by RISC Zero. In order to run profiling, follow the steps in the Usage section of the RISC Zero documentation, but in Step 2 replace the command you run with:

RISC0_PPROF_OUT=./profile.pb cargo run --bin call_server --proof fake

which will start the vlayer server. Then just call the JSON RPC API and the server will write the profiling output to profile.pb, which can be later visualised as explained in the RISC Zero Profiling Guide. Please note that the profile only contains data about the Guest execution, i.e. the execution inside the zkVM.

Working with guest ELF IDs

Dockerized guest builds ensure that guest ELF IDs remain deterministic. This process is managed by the build script in the rust/guest_wrapper crate, which relies on the build-utils crate. Current and historical chain guest IDs are stored in the repository to maintain consistency when calling host and guest functions (see Repository Artifacts below).

Generating ImageID.sol

The guest wrapper's build script generates the file target/assets/ImageID.sol, which is symlinked to contracts/vlayer/src/ImageID.sol. If contract compilation fails due to a missing ImageID.sol, run:

cargo build

Additionally, remember to recompile contracts after rebuilding the guest.

Running end-to-end tests

To run end-to-end tests with real chain workers, a dockerized build must be completed in advance. This is done by compiling with:

RISC0_USE_DOCKER=1 cargo build

This process typically takes 4-5 minutes on a MacBook Pro (using Apple Virtualization with Rosetta for amd64 emulation).

Handling Chain guest ELF ID mismatch errors

If a dockerized build fails with a Chain guest ELF ID mismatch error, it means the chain guest has changed, and the ELF ID must be updated. To resolve this, re-run the build with:


This will:

  1. Move the previous chain guest ELF ID to the historical IDs file,
  2. Put the new chain guest ELF ID (generated during the compilation) into the file with current ELF ID,
  3. Generate a TODO changelog entry, which should be consequently filled in with change description by the person introducing the change.

Repository artifacts

  1. /rust/guest_wrapper/artifacts/chain/elf_id – single-line text file with hex-encoded ELF ID of the current chain guest. No trailing newline.
  2. /rust/guest_wrapper/artifacts/chain/elf_id_history – multi-line text file with all historical chain guest IDs, hex-encoded, one ID per line, sorted from oldest to newest, initially empty.
  3. /rust/guest_wrapper/artifacts/chain/ – markdown file where every chain guest ID (including current one) is annotated with creation date and a list of changes.


Error on macOS while cargo build: assert.h file doesn't exist

In some cases while running cargo build, an error occurs with compiling mdbx-sys.
In that case install xcode-select:

xcode-select --install

If you get the message Command line tools are already installed, but the problem persists, reinstall it:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
xcode-select --install

Then, install updates by "Software Update" in System Settings and finally restart your computer.

Contributing to vlayer JavaScript codebase


To start working with this repository, you will need to install following software:

  • Bun JavaScript runtime.

Bumping version

  1. Apply changes to the code
  2. Run bun changeset
  3. Submit information about your changes (would be visible in the changelog)
  4. Run bun changeset version
  5. Commit modified files changes
  6. Push

Quick list of common questions to get you started engaging with changesets (tool for versioning) is in their docs


Hanging SDK tests

If you see the following when trying to run SDK unit tests

$ cd packages/sdk
$ bun run test:unit
 vitest --run

 RUN  v2.1.4 /Users/kubkon/dev/vlayer/vlayer/packages/sdk

and nothing happening for a longer while, make sure you have Node.js installed.

bun install hung on resolving dependencies

If you see bun install hung on resolving dependencies in any of our examples, for instance

$ vlayer init --template simple
$ cd vlayer
$ bun install
Resolving dependencies

disable Bun's global cache by either using bunfig.toml as described here

disable = true
disableManifest = true

or by directly passing a CLI flag

$ bun install --no-cache 

There is a long-standing bug in Bun that despite many attempts at fixing is still present in all versions: issue #5831: Bun install hangs sporadically

Contributing to vlayer Book


Ensure you have Rust and the Cargo package manager installed:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

After installing Rust, install the required dependencies:

  • mdbook: A command-line tool for creating books with Markdown.
  • mdbook-mermaid: A preprocessor for compiling Mermaid diagrams.
  • mdbook-tabs: A plugin for adding tab functionality to the book.
cargo install mdbook mdbook-mermaid mdbook-tabs


The book's source is in the vlayer monorepo. To start the development server, navigate to the book/ directory and run:

mdbook serve

Whenever you update the book's source, the preview will automatically refresh. Access the preview at http://localhost:3000.


To build the book, navigate to the book/ directory and run:

mdbook build


Rust allows you to set granular log levels for different crates using RUST_LOG. To debug a specific crate, you can set its log level to debug. For example:

RUST_LOG=info,call_engine=debug ./target/debug/call_server

The static HTML output will be generated in the book/book directory. You can use this output to preview the book locally or deploy it to a static site hosting service.

Contributing to the vlayer browser extension


To start working with the vlayer browser extension, you need to install the following software:


First build the vlayer server with:

cd rust
cargo build

Then build vlayer contracts with:

cd contracts
forge soldeer install
forge clean
forge build

Web app's files are in examples/simple_web_proof/vlayer folder.

cd examples/simple_web_proof
forge soldeer install
forge clean
forge build
cd examples/simple_web_proof/vlayer
bun install

Extension's files are in packages/browser-extension folder.

cd packages
bun install

Local development

Run anvil:


Run the vlayer server:

cd rust
cargo run --bin call_server --proof fake

Deploy WebProofProver and WebProofVerifier contracts on anvil:

cd examples/simple_web_proof/vlayer
bun run deploy.ts

deploy.ts script deploys the Prover and Verifier contracts. Their addresses are saved in the .env.development file and later used by the web app.

Start web app on localhost:

cd examples/simple_web_proof/vlayer
bun run dev

Then, start the browser extension:

cd packages/browser-extension
bun run dev

This will open a web browser with the vlayer app and browser extension installed. Now all the saved changes will be applied in your browser automatically.

There is a script, that runs all of the steps above.

Extension watch mode

Extension can be also built using:

bun run build:watch

in packages/browser-extension directory. It enables hot-reload of the extension.


Extension end-to-end tests are stored in packages/browser-extension/tests folder.

Testing uses Playwright web testing library. Install it with:

bunx playwright install --with-deps chromium

To run tests, firstly, install Typescript dependencies in packages folder:

cd packages
bun install

Then, build the extension:

cd packages/browser-extension
bun run build

Finally, run tests:

cd packages/browser-extension
bun run test:headless

Architecture overview

vlayer execution spans across three environments, each written in respective technologies and consisting of related components:

  • browser (js)
    • javascript SDK - thin wrapper around the vlayer JSON-RPC API
    • browser plugin - used for notarization of TLS Connections
  • server infrastructure (rust)
    • prover server - exposing vlayer functionality via vlayer JSON-RPC API
    • chain proof cache - http server used as a cache for proofs of inclusion of a block in a chain
    • TLS Notary server - used to notarize TLS connections
    • DNS Notary server - used to notarize DKIM DNS records
    • workers - used to perform actual proving
  • blockchain (Solidity)


All the above components can be found in the monorepo. It also contains sources of this book.

Call Prover architecture

vlayer enables three key functionalities: accessing different sources of verifiable data, aggregating this data in a verifiable way to obtain verifiable result and using the verifiable result on-chain.

It supports accessing verifiable data from three distinct sources: HTTP requests, emails and EVM state and storage. For each source, a proof of validity can be generated:

  • HTTP requests can be verified using a Web Proof, which includes information about the TLS session, a transcript of the HTTP request and response signed by a TLS Notary
  • Email contents can be proven by verifying DKIM signatures and checking the sender domain
  • EVM state and storage proofs can be verified against the block hash via Merkle Proofs

Before vlayer, ZK programs were application-specific and proved a single source of data. vlayer allows you to write a Solidity smart contract (called Prover) that acts as a glue between all three possible data sources and enables you to aggregate this data in a verifiable way - we not only prove that the data we use is valid but also that it was processed correctly by the Prover.

Aggregation examples

  • Prover computing average ERC20 balance of addresses
  • Prover returning true if someone starred a GitHub Org by verifying a Web Proof

Note: Despite being named "Prover", the Prover contract does not compute the proof itself. Instead, it is executed inside the zkEVM, which produces the proof of the correctness of its execution.

Call Proof is a proof that we correctly executed the Prover smart contract and got the given result.

It can be later verified by a deployed Verifier contract to use the verifiable result on-chain.

But how are Call Proofs obtained?

Call Prover

To obtain Call Proofs, the Call Prover is used. It is a Rust server that exposes the v_call JSON-RPC endpoint. The three key components of the prover are the Guest, Host, and Engine. The Guest executes code within the zkEVM to generate a proof of execution. The Host prepares the necessary data and sends it to the Guest. The Engine, responsible for executing the EVM, runs in both the Guest and Host environments.

Their structure and responsibilities are as follows:

  • Guest: Performs execution of the code inside zkEVM. Consists of three crates:
    • guest (in services/call/guest): Library that contains code for EVM execution and input validation.
    • risc0_guest (in guest_wrapper/risc0_call_guest): Thin wrapper that uses RISC0 ZKVM I/O and delegates work to guest.
    • guest_wrapper (in guest_wrapper): Compiles risc0_guest (using cargo build scripts) to a binary format (ELF) using RISC Zero target.
  • Host (in services/call/host): Runs a preflight, during which it collects all the data required by the guest. It retrieves data from online sources (RPC clients) and then triggers guest execution (which is done offline).
  • Engine (in services/call/engine): Sets up and executes the EVM, which executes Prover smart contract (including calling custom Precompiles). It executes exactly the same code in preflight and Guest execution.

Our architecture is heavily inspired by RISC Zero steel.

Currently, the Guest is compiled with Risc0, but we aim to build vendor-lock free solutions working on multiple zk stacks, like sp-1 or Jolt.

Execution and proving

The Host passes arguments to the Guest via standard input (stdin), and similarly, the Guest returns values via standard output (stdout). zkVM works in isolation, without access to a disk or network.

On the other hand, when executing Solidity code in the Guest, it needs access to the Ethereum state and storage. The state consist of Ethereum accounts (i.e. balances, contracts code and nonces) and the storage consist of smart contract variables. Hence, all the state and storage needs to be passed via input.

However, all input should be considered insecure. Therefore, validity of all the state and storage needs to be proven.

Note: In off-chain execution, the notion of the current block doesn't exist, hence we always access Ethereum at a specific historical block. The block number doesn't have to be the latest mined block available on the network. This is different than the current block inside on-chain execution, which can access the state at the moment of execution of the given transaction.

To deliver all necessary proofs, the following steps are performed:

  1. In preflight, we execute Solidity code on the host. Each time the database is called, the value is fetched via Ethereum JSON RPC and the proof is stored in it. This database is called ProofDb
  2. Serialized content of ProofDb is passed via stdin to the guest
  3. guest deserializes content into a StateDb
  4. Validity of the data gathered during the preflight is verified in guest
  5. Solidity code is executed inside revm using StateDb

Since that Solidity execution is deterministic, database in the guest has exactly the data it requires.



revm requires us to provide a DB which implements DatabaseRef trait (i.e. can be asked about accounts, storage, block hashes).

It's a common pattern to compose databases to orthogonalize the implementation.

We have Host and Guest databases

  • Host - runs CacheDB<ProofDb<ProviderDb>>:
    • ProviderDb- queries Ethereum RPC Provider (i.e. Alchemy, Infura, Anvil);
    • ProofDb - records all queries aggregates them and collects EIP1186 (eth_getProof) proofs;
    • CacheDB - stores trusted seed data to minimize the number of RPC requests. We seed caller account and some Optimism system accounts.
  • Guest - runs CacheDB<WrapStateDb<StateDb>>:
    • StateDb consists of state passed from the host and has only the content required to be used by deterministic execution of the Solidity code in the guest. Data in the StateDb is stored as sparse Merkle Patricia Tries, hence access to accounts and storage serves as verification of state and storage proofs;
    • WrapStateDb is an adapter for StateDb that implements Database trait. It additionally does caching of the accounts, for querying storage, so that the account is only fetched once for multiple storage queries;
    • CacheDB - has the same seed data as it's Host version.

EvmEnv and EvmInput

vlayer enables aggregating data from multiple blocks and multiple chains. We call these features Time Travel and Teleport. To achieve that, we span multiple revm instances during Engine execution. Each revm instance corresponds to a certain block number on a certain chain.

EvmEnv struct represents a configuration required to create a revm instance. Depending on the context, it might be instantiated with ProofDB (Host) or WrapStateDB (Guest).

It is also implicitly parameterized via dynamic dispatch by the Header type, which may differ for various hard forks or networks.

fn main() {
pub struct EvmEnv<DB> {
    pub db: DB,
    pub header: Box<dyn EvmBlockHeader>,

The serializable input we pass between host and guest is called EvmInput. EvmEnv can be obtained from it.

fn main() {
pub struct EvmInput {
    pub header: Box<dyn EvmBlockHeader>,
    pub state_trie: MerkleTrie,
    pub storage_tries: Vec<MerkleTrie>,
    pub contracts: Vec<Bytes>,
    pub ancestors: Vec<Box<dyn EvmBlockHeader>>,

Because we may have multiple blocks and chains, we also have structs MultiEvmInput and MultiEvmEnv, mapping ExecutionLocations to EvmInputs or EvmEnvs equivalently.

fn main() {
pub struct ExecutionLocation {
    pub chain_id: ChainId,
    pub block_tag: BlockTag,


EvmEnv instances are accessed in both Host and Guest using CachedEvmEnv structure. However, the way CachedEvmEnv is constructed differs between these two contexts.


fn main() {
pub struct CachedEvmEnv<D: RevmDB> {
    cache: MultiEvmEnv<D>,
    factory: Mutex<Box<dyn EvmEnvFactory<D>>>,
  • cache: HashMap (aliased as MultiEvmEnv<D>) that stores EvmEnv instances, keyed by their ExecutionLocation
  • factory: used to create new EvmEnv instances

On Host

On Host, CachedEvmEnv is created using from_factory function. It initializes CachedEvmEnv with an empty cache and a factory of type HostEvmEnvFactory that is responsible for creating EvmEnv instances.

fn main() {
pub(crate) struct HostEvmEnvFactory {
    providers: CachedMultiProvider,

HostEvmEnvFactory uses a CachedMultiProvider to fetch necessary data (such as block headers) and create new EvmEnv instances on demand.

On Guest

On Guest, CachedEvmEnv is created using from_envs. This function takes a pre-populated cache of EvmEnv instances (created on Host) and initializes the factory field with NullEvmEnvFactory.

NullEvmEnvFactory is a dummy implementation that returns an error when its create method is called. This is acceptable because, in Guest context, there is no need to create new environments — only the cached ones are used.

Verifying data

Guest is required to verify all data provided by the Host. Initial validation of its coherence is done in two places:

  • multi_evm_input.assert_coherency verifies:

    • Equality of subsequent ancestor block hashes
    • Equality of header.state_root and actual state_root
  • When we create StateDb in Guest with StateDb::new, we compute hashes for storage_tries roots and contracts code. When we later try to access storage (using the WrapStateDb::basic_ref function) or contract code (using the WrapStateDb::code_by_hash_ref function), we know this data is valid because the hashes were computed properly. If they weren't, we wouldn't be able to access the given storage or code. Thus, storage verification is done indirectly.

Above verifications are not enough to ensure validity of Time Travel (achieved by Chain Proofs) and Teleport. Travel call verification is described in the next section.


As shown in the diagram in the Execution and Proving section, the Engine executes the EVM, which in turn runs the Solidity Prover smart contract. During execution, the contract may call custom precompiles available within the vlayer zkEVM, enabling various advanced features.

The list, configuration, and addresses of these precompiles are defined in services/call/precompiles. These precompiles can be easily accessed within Solidity Prover contracts using libraries included in the vlayer Solidity smart contracts package.

Available precompiles and their functionality

  • WebProof.verify (via WebProofLib):
    Verifies a WebProof and returns a Web object containing:

    • body (HTTP response body)
    • notaryPubKey (TLS Notary’s public key that signed the Web Proof)
    • url (URL of the HTTP request)

    See Web Proof for details.

  • Web.jsonGetString, Web.jsonGetInt, Web.jsonGetBool, Web.jsonGetArrayLength (via WebLib):
    Parses JSON from an HTTP response body (Web.body).
    See JSON Parsing for more information.

  • UnverifiedEmail.verify (via EmailProofLib):
    Verifies an UnverifiedEmail and returns a VerifiedEmail object containing:

    • from (sender's email address)
    • to (recipient's email address)
    • subject (email subject)
    • body (email body)

    See Email Proof.

  • string.capture, string.match (via RegexLib):
    Performs regex operations on strings.

    See Regular Expressions.

  • string.test (via URLPatternLib):
    Used within WebProof.verify to validate Web.url against a given URL pattern.

    See Web Proof.

Error handling

Error handling is done via HostError enum type, which is converted into http code and a human-readable string by the server.

Instead of returning a result, to handle errors, Guest panics. It does need to panic with a human-readable error, which should be converted on Host to a semantic HostError type. As execution on Guest is deterministic and should never fail after a successful preflight, the panic message should be informative for developers.

Time Travel and Teleport

vlayer allows seamless aggregation of data from different blocks and chains. We refer to these capabilities as Time Travel and Teleport. How is it done?

Note: Teleportation is currently possible only from L1 chains to L2 optimistic chains. We plan to support teleportation from L2 to L1 in the future.


At the beggining of the guest::main we verify whether the data for each execution location is coherent. However, we have not yet checked whether data from multiple execution locations align with each other. Specifically, we need to ensure that:

  • The blocks we claim to be on the same chain are actually there (allowing time travel between blocks on the same chain).
  • The blocks associated with a given chain truly belong to that chain (enabling teleportation to the specified chain).

The points above are verified by the Verifier::verify function. The Verifier struct is used both during the host preflight and guest execution. Because of that it is parametrized by Recording Clients (in host) and Reading Clients (in guest).

The verify function performs above verifications by:

I. Time Travel Verification

Is possible thanks to Chain Proofs. Verification steps are as follows:

  1. Retrieve Blocks: Extract the list of blocks to be verified and group them by chain.
  2. Iterate Over Chains: For each chain run time travel verify function on its blocks.
  3. Skip Single-Block Cases: If only one block exists, no verification is needed.
  4. Request Chain Proof: Fetch cryptographic proof of chain integrity.
  5. Verifies Chain Proof: Run the chain proof verify function on the obtained Chain Proof to check its validity.
  6. Validate Blocks: Compare each block’s hash with the hash obtained by block number from the validated Chain Proof.

II. Teleport Verification

  1. Identify Destination Chains: Extract execution locations from CachedEvmEnv, filtering for chains different from the starting one.
  2. Skip Local Testnets: If the source chain is a local testnet, teleport verification is skipped.
  3. Validate Chain Anchors: Ensure the destination chain is properly anchored to the source chain using assert_anchor().
  4. Fetch Latest Confirmed L2 Block: Use the AnchorStateRegistry and sequencer_client to get the latest confirmed block on the destination chain.
  5. Verify Latest Confirmed Block Hash Consistency: Compare the latest confirmed block’s hashes.
  6. Verify Latest Teleport Location Is Confirmed: Using function ensure_latest_teleport_location_is_confirmed we check that latest destination block number is not greater than latest confirmed block number.

Verifier Safety & Testability

To prevent unauthorized custom verifier implementations, we use Sealed trait pattern. This ensures that IVerifier trait cannot be implemented outside the file it was defined - except when the testing feature is enabled.

This design is crucial because verifiers are composable. When testing a Verifier that is composed from other verifiers, we need to mock them with fake implementations. This flexibility is achieved by allowing special implementations under the testing feature.

Macros Overview

The following macros work together to enforce sealing and enable test mocking:

  • sealed_trait! - Creates a private module (seal) containing a trait Sealed. By requiring verifier traits to extend seal::Sealed, only types that also implement Sealed (and hence are defined within controlled environment) can implement the verifier traits.
  • verifier_trait! - Defines the actual verifier trait (e.g., IVerifier) with a verify method. The trait extends seal::Sealed.
  • impl_verifier_for_fn! - Allows functions to be used as verifiers by implementing the verifier trait for them. This is only enabled in testing (or when the testing feature is turned on).
  • impl_sealed_for_fn! - Implements the Sealed trait for functions with the appropriate signature.
  • sealed_with_test_mock! - This is a convenience macro that ties everything together. It:
    • Calls sealed_trait! to create the Sealed trait
    • Calls impl_sealed_for_fn! to allow function pointers to be sealed
    • Defines verifier trait using verifier_trait!
    • Implements the verifier trait for function pointers with impl_verifier_for_fn!


Both Time Travel and Teleport features are made possible by the Inspector struct, a custom implementation of the Inspector trait from REVM. Its purpose is to handle travel calls that alter the execution context by switching the blockchain network or block number.

How does it work? When ExecutionLocation is updated, Inspector:

  1. Creates a separate EVM with new ExecutionLocation context (using transaction_callback function passed as argument).
  2. Executes the subcall on a separate inner EVM with updated location.
fn main() {
pub struct Inspector<'a> {
    start_chain_id: ChainId,
    pub location: Option<ExecutionLocation>,
    transaction_callback: Box<TransactionCallback<'a>>,
    metadata: Vec<Metadata>,

Key Responsibilities of the Inspector

1. Tracks Execution Context (Chain & Block Info)

It maintains the ExecutionLocation which consists of chain_id and block_number

2. Handles Travel Calls

There are two special functions that modify execution context:

  • set_block(block_number): Updates the block number while keeping the same chain.
  • set_chain(chain_id, block_number): Changes both the blockchain network and block number.

3. Intercepts Contract Calls

Intercepts every contract call and determines how to handle it:

  • Precompiled Contracts: If the call targets a precompiled contract, it logs the call and records relevant metadata.
  • Travel Call Contract: If the call is directed to the designated travel call contract (identified by CONTRACT_ADDR), the Inspector parses the input arguments and triggers a travel call by invoking either set_block or set_chain.
  • Standard Calls: If no travel call is detected, the Inspector allows the call to proceed normally. However, if a travel call has already set a new context, it is processed using the provided transaction_callback and applies the updated execution context in the on_call function.

4. Monitors & Logs Precompiled Contracts

If the call is made to a precompiled contract it logs the call and records metadata.

Precompiles used by vlayer are listed here.

ExecutionResult to CallOutcome conversion

ExecutionResult and CallOutcome are revm structs used in the Inspector code. They are necessary to make travel calls work.

  • ExecutionResult is an enum representing the complete outcome of a transaction. It has three variants—Success, Revert, and Halt—and includes transaction information such as gas usage, gas refunds, logs, and output data.
  • CallOutcome is a struct representing the result of a single call within the EVM interpreter. It encapsulates an InterpreterResult (which contains output data and gas usage) along with a memory_offset (the range in memory where the output data is located).

Most fields stored in ExecutionResult have equivalents in CallOutcome. The only exceptions arelogs and gas_refunded fields from ExecutionResult::Success, which do not exist in CallOutcome. Conversely, CallOutcome includes memory_offset, which has no direct counterpart in ExecutionResult.

When Inspector::call is executed, it must return a CallOutcome. However, the transaction_callback run inside Inspector::call executes the full EVM and returns an ExecutionResult. Hence, the conversion between the two is needed.

This conversion is performed using the execution_result_to_call_outcome function within Inspector::on_call. During this process logs and gas_refunded fields from ExecutionResult::Success are discarded, as they are not required in CallOutcome. memory_offset is obtained from CallInputs, which is also passed to execution_result_to_call_outcome as an argument.


Executor struct handles running EVM transactions. Inspector is created by the Executor struct and used while building EVM.

fn main() {
pub struct Executor<'envs, D: RevmDB> {
    envs: &'envs CachedEvmEnv<D>,


The Executor provides a public call method that runs the internal execution (internal_call).


The private internal_call method performs the core execution of an EVM transaction, including support for recursive internal calls (when one smart contract calls another). In this implementation, the envs are shared across recursive calls, meaning that any modification performed by one call is visible to others.

But updates to the database state (contained in the ProofDb structure, being a part of env) are safe because the state is modified only by inserting new entries. New keys are added to the accounts, contracts, and block_hash_numbers collections, while existing entries remain unchanged.

Error handling

Due to the design of revm's Inspector trait, the Inspector::call (run inside EVM build in Executor::internal_call) method must return an Option<CallOutcome> rather than a Result. This limitation means that errors occurring during intercepted calls cannot be directly propagated via the return type.

To work around this constraint, our Inspector implementation uses panics to signal errors. The panic is then caught in the Executor::call method using panic::catch_unwind. This mechanism allows us to convert panics into proper error results, ensuring that errors are not lost, even though the Inspector::call function itself cannot return an error.

On-chain Verification

When the proving process begins, a specific block is selected as the settlement block—the block we commit to. Then, a call to the Prover contract is executed within zkEVM environment. The guest proof is valid providing the block and contract assumptions used during its generation are accurate.

These assumptions are encapsulated in a dedicated struct used within the guest code:

struct CallAssumptions {
    address proverContractAddress;
    bytes4 functionSelector;
    uint256 settleBlockNumber;
    bytes32 settleBlockHash;

The struct is created inside the guest::main function. Since the guest itself cannot independently prove the validity of these assumptions, they must be verified externally.

To achieve this, CallAssumptions is included in the GuestOutput and subsequently verified on-chain using the Verifier contract, specifically through the _verifyExecutionEnv. This verification ensures that the proof aligns with a valid blockchain state.

Validation Steps in _verifyExecutionEnv

The _verifyExecutionEnv function checks the following:

  1. Prover Contract Validation: Ensures that the proof comes from the correct proverContractAddress.
  2. Function Selector Validation: Verifies that the function being executed matches the expected function selector.
  3. Block Number Validation: Ensures that the proof is based on a past block (not from the future) and that the block falls within the last 256 blocks—the maximum number of historical blocks accessible during EVM execution.
  4. Block Hash Validation: Confirms that the settleBlockHash matches the actual on-chain block hash at the settleBlockNumber.

vlayer provides time-travel functionality. It allows changing the block number of the execution location and accessing the blockchain state at the given block. It is made possible by Chain Proofs.

Chain Proof

vlayer executes Solidity code off-chain and proves the correctness of that execution on-chain. For that purpose, it fetches state and storage data and verifies it with storage proofs.

Storage proofs prove that a piece of storage is part of a block with a specific hash. We say the storage proof is 'connected' to a certain block hash.

However, the storage proof doesn't guarantee that the block with the specific hash actually exists on the chain. This verification needs to be done later with an on-chain smart contract.


vlayer provides time-travel functionality. As a result, state and storage proofs are not connected to a single block hash, but to multiple block hashes. To ensure that all those hashes exist on the chain, it's enough to prove two things:

  • Coherence - all the blocks' hashes belong to the same chain
  • Canonicity - the last block hash is a member of a canonical chain

2-step verification


Will be proven using Chain Proof Cache service.

It maintains a data structure that stores block hashes along with a zk-proof. The zk-proof proves that all the hashes contained by the data structure belong to the same chain.


Since the latest hash needs to be verified on-chain, but generating proofs is a slow process; some fast chains might prune our latest block by the time we are ready to settle the proof. Proposed solution is described here.

Proving Coherence

Naive Chain Proof Cache

We need a way to prove that a set of hashes belongs to the same chain. A naive way to do this is to hash all of the subsequent blocks, from the oldest to the most recent, and then verify that each block hash is equal to the parentHash value of the following block. If all the hashes from our set appear along the way, then they all belong to the same chain.

See the diagram below for a visual representation.

Naive chain proof

Unfortunately, this is a slow process, especially if the blocks are far apart on the time scale. Fortunately, with the help of Chain Proof Cache, this process can be sped up to logarithmic time.

Chain Proof Cache

The Chain Proof Cache service maintains two things:

  • a Chain Proof Cache structure (a Merkle Patricia Trie) that stores block hashes,
  • a zk-proof 𝜋 that all these hashes belong to the same chain.

Given these two elements, it is easy to prove that a set of hashes belongs to the same chain.

  1. It needs to be verified that all the hashes are part of the Chain Proof Cache structure.
  2. 𝜋 needs to be verified.

Chain Proof Cache (BPC) structure

The Chain Proof Cache structure is a dictionary that stores a <block_number, block_hash> mapping. It is implemented using a Merkle Patricia Trie. This enables us to prove that a set of hashes is part of the structure (point 1 from the previous paragraph) by supplying their corresponding Merkle proofs.

Chain proof elements

Adding hashes to the BPC structure and maintaining 𝜋

At all times, the BPC structure stores a sequence of consecutive block hashes that form a chain. In other words, we preserve the invariant that:

  • block numbers contained in the structure form a sequence of consecutive natural numbers,
  • for every pair of block numbers i, i+1 contained in the structure, block(i + 1).parentHash = hash(block(i)).

Every time a block is added, 𝜋 is updated. To prove that after adding a new block, all the blocks in the BPC structure belong to the same chain, two things must be done:

  • The previous 𝜋 must be verified.
  • It must be ensured that the hash of the new block 'links' to either the oldest or the most recent block.

Recursive proofs

In an ideal world - ZK Circuit will have access to its own ELF ID and therefore be able to verify the proofs produces by its previous invocations recursively. Unfortunately because ELF ID is a hash of a binary - it can't be included in itself.

Therefore, we extract ELF ID into an argument and "pipe" it through all the proofs. We also add it to an output. Finally - when verifying this proof within the call proof - we check ELF ID against a hard-coded constant. This can be done there as call and chain are different circuits and having an ID of one within the other does not present the cycle mentioned above.

We can reason about soundness backwards. If someone provided the proof which has correct ELF ID in the output and verifies with correct ELF ID - it also had correct ELF ID in the inputs and therefore correctly verified the internal proof.

If one would try to generate the proof with ELF ID for an empty circuit (no assertions) - they can do that but:

  • either the output will not match;
  • or the proof will not verify with our ELF ID.


Guest code exposes two functions:

  • initialize() - Initializes the MPT and inserts first block;
  • append_and_prepend() - Extends the MPT inserting new blocks from the right and from the left while checking invariants and verifying previous proofs. In order to understand it's logic - we first explain in pseudocode how would a single append and a single prepend work before jumping into batch implementation.


The initialize() function is used to create Chain Proof Cache structure as a Merkle Patricia Trie (MPT) and insert the initial block hash into it. It takes the following arguments:

  • elf_id: a hash of the guest binary.
  • block: the block header of the block to be added.

It calculates the hash of the block using the keccak256 function on the RLP-encoded block. Then it inserts this hash into the MPT at the position corresponding to the block number. Notice that no invariants about neighbours are checked as there are no neighbours yet.

fn initialize(elf_id: Hash, block: BlockHeader) -> (MptRoot, elf_id) {
    let block_hash = keccak256(rlp(block));
    let mpt = new SparseMpt();
    mpt.insert(block.number, block_hash);
    (mpt.root, elf_id)


The append() function is used to add a most recent block to the Merkle Patricia Trie. It takes the following arguments:

  • elf_id: a hash of the guest binary,
  • new_rightmost_block: the block header to be added,
  • mpt: a sparse MPT containing two paths: one from the root to the parent block and one from the root to the node where the new block will be inserted,
  • proof (π): a zero-knowledge proof that all contained hashes so far belong to the same chain. This function ensures that the new block correctly follows the previous block by checking the parent block's hash. If everything is correct, it inserts the new block's hash into the trie.
fn append(elf_id: Hash, new_rightmost_block: BlockHeader, mpt: SparseMpt<ParentBlockIdx, NewBlockIdx>, proof: ZkProof) -> (MptRoot, elf_id) {
    risc0_std::verify_zk_proof(proof, (mpt.root, elf_id), elf_id);
    let parent_block_idx = new_rightmost_block.number - 1;
    let parent_block_hash = mpt.get(parent_block_idx);
    assert_eq(parent_block_hash, new_rightmost_block.parent_hash, "Block hash mismatch");
    let block_hash = keccak256(rlp(new_rightmost_block));
    let new_mpt = mpt.insert(new_rightmost_block.number, block_hash);
    (new_mpt.root, elf_id)


The prepend() function is used to add a new oldest block to the Merkle Patricia Trie. It takes the following arguments:

  • elf_id: a hash of the guest binary.
  • old_leftmost_block: the full data of the currently oldest block already stored in the MPT.
  • mpt: a sparse MPT containing the path from the root to the child block and the new block's intended position.
  • proof: a zero-knowledge proof that all contained hashes so far belong to the same chain. The function verifies the proof to ensure the full data from the child block fits the MPT we have so far. If the verification succeeds, it takes the parent_hash from the currently oldest block and inserts it with the corresponding number into the MPT. Note that we don't need to pass the full parent block as the trie only store hashes. However, we will need to pass it next time we want to prepend.
fn prepend(elf_id: Hash, old_leftmost_block: BlockHeader, mpt: SparseMpt<ChildBlockIdx, NewBlockIdx>, proof: ZkProof) -> (MptRoot, elf_id) {
    risc0_std::verify_zk_proof(proof, (mpt.root, elf_id), elf_id);
    let old_leftmost_block_hash = mpt.get(old_leftmost_block.number);
    assert_eq(old_leftmost_block_hash, keccak256(rlp(old_leftmost_block)), "Block hash mismatch");
    let new_mpt = mpt.insert(old_leftmost_block.number - 1, old_leftmost_block.parent_hash);
    (new_mpt.root, elf_id)

Batch version

In order to save on proving costs and latency - we don't expose singular versions of append and prepend but instead - a batch version. It checks the ZK proof only once at the beginning. The rest is the same.

fn append(mpt: SparseMpt, new_rightmost_block: BlockHeader) -> SparseMpt {
    let parent_block_idx = new_rightmost_block.number - 1;
    let parent_block_hash = mpt.get(parent_block_idx);
    assert_eq(parent_block_hash, new_rightmost_block.parent_hash, "Block hash mismatch");
    let block_hash = keccak256(rlp(new_rightmost_block));
    let new_mpt = mpt.insert(new_rightmost_block.number, block_hash);

fn prepend(mpt: SparseMpt, old_leftmost_block: BlockHeader) -> SparseMpt {
    let old_leftmost_block_hash = mpt.get(old_leftmost_block.number);
    assert_eq(old_leftmost_block_hash, keccak256(rlp(old_leftmost_block)), "Block hash mismatch");
    let new_mpt = mpt.insert(old_leftmost_block.number - 1, old_leftmost_block.parent_hash);

fn append_prepend(
  elf_id: Hash,
  prepend_blocks: [BlockHeader],
  append_blocks: [BlockHeader],
  old_leftmost_block: BlockHeader,
  mpt: SparseMpt<[NewLeft..OldLeft], [OldRight...NewRight]>,
  proof: ZkProof
) -> (MptRoot, elf_id) {
    risc0_std::verify_zk_proof(proof, (mpt.root, elf_id), elf_id);
    for block in append_blocks {
      mpt = append(mpt, block);
    for block in prepend_blocks.reverse() {
      mpt = prepend(mpt, old_leftmost_block);
      old_leftmost_block = block
    (new_mpt.root, elf_id)

Prove Chain server

Chain Proof Cache structure is stored in a distinct type of vlayer node, specifically a JSON-RPC server. It consists of a single call v_getChainProof(chain_id: number, block_numbers: number[]).

Detailed JSON-RPC API docs


%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
    namespace DB {
        class MDBX {
          // Unit tests

        class InMemoryDatabase {

        class Database {

      class MerkleProofBuilder {
        build_proof(root, key) Proof

      class ChainDB {
          // Unit tests using InMemoryDatabase
          get_chain_info(id) ChainInfo
          get_sparse_merkle_trie(root, [block_num]) MerkleTrie
          update_chain(id, chain_info, new_nodes, removed_nodes)

      class ChainInfo {
        BlockNum left
        BlockNum right
        Hash root
        ZK proof

    namespace ZKVM {
      class MerkleTrie {
          // Unit tests
          get(key) Value
          insert(key, value)

      class BlockTrie {
          // Does not check ZK proofs
          // Unit test for each assertion
          MerkleTrie trie


      class Guest {
          init(elf_id, block) (elf_id, Hash)
          append_prepend(elf_id, mpt, old_leftmost, new_leftmost, new_rightmost)

    class Host {
        // Checks that BlockTrie and Guest returned the same root hash
        // Integration tests

    class Server {
        // E2E tests
        v_getChainProof(id, [block_num]) [ZkProof, SparseMerkleTrie]

    namespace Providers {
      class Provider {

      class EthersProvider {

      class MockProvider {
        mock(request, response)

    Provider <|-- EthersProvider
    Provider <|-- MockProvider

    class Worker {
      // E2E test on Temp MDBX and anvil

    Database <|-- MDBX
    Database <|-- InMemoryDatabase
    ChainDB --> Database
    ChainDB --> MerkleProofBuilder
    ChainDB -- ChainInfo
    MerkleProofBuilder --> Database
    Worker --> Host
    Host --> ChainDB
    Host --> Guest
    Host --> Provider
    Server --> ChainDB
    BlockTrie --> MerkleTrie
    Guest --> BlockTrie
    Host --> BlockTrie

Proving Canonicity

It is essential to be able to verify the canonicity of the latest block hash on-chain.

Without that - an attacker would be able to successfully submit the proof generated on:

  • a made-up chain with prepared, malicious data;
  • a non-canonical fork.


Solidity/EVM has a built-in function that allows us to do that.

blockhash(uint blockNumber) returns (bytes32)

It returns a hash of the given block when blockNumber is one of the 256 most recent blocks; otherwise returns zero.

We assert result of this function with the block hash found in the call assumptions of the call proof.

blockhash limitations

However, this method is limited, as it only works for the most recent 256 blocks on a given chain.

256 blocks is not a measure of time. We need to multiply it by block time to know - how much time we have to settle the proof on a specific chain.

  • Ethereum: 12 seconds - 51 minutes
  • Optimism: 2 seconds - 8.5 minutes
  • Arbitrum One: 250ms - 1 minute

With current prover performance - it takes a couple of minutes to generate a proof. That means by the time it's ready, we will already have missed the slot to settle on Arbitrum.

Block Pinning

Instead of waiting for the proof - we can have a smart-contract that pins block hashes we are planning to use in storage.

Therefore, the flow will be like this:

  • As soon as Host is ready to start the proof generation - it will do two things in parallel:

    • Send a transaction on-chain pinning the latest block
    • Start generating the proof
  • Once the proof is ready, in order to settle on-chain we:

    • First try to use blockhash
    • If it fails - fallback to the list of pinned blocks

This is not implemented yet.


EIP2935 proposes a very similar solution but on a protocol level. Instead of pinning blocks - it requires nodes to make some (8192) range of blocks available through the storage of system contract. It's planned to be included in a Pectra hard fork and go live on mainnet early 2025.



On-chain verification is implemented by using a customized verification function. It receives a list of arguments in the same order as returned by the Prover (public output).

Proof structure must always be returned from the Prover as the first returned element (more on that here), which means that Proof structure must also be passed as the first argument to the verification function.

The verification function should use the onlyVerified() modifier, which takes two arguments: the address of a smart contract and a selector of function that was executed in the Prover contract.

See an example verification function below:

contract Example is Verifier {

    function claim(Proof _p, address verifiedArg1, uint verifiedArg2, bytes extraArg) public returns (uint)


proof is not an argument to onlyVerified because it is automatically extracted from

Data flow

Proving data flow consists of three steps:

Step 1: GuestOutput

It starts at Guest, which returns GuestOutput structure. GuestOutput consists of just one field - evm_call_result. evm_call_result field is abi encoded Prover function output. Since Prover returns Proof placeholder as its first returned value, Guest pre-fills length and call_assumptions fields of the Proof structuture.

length field of Proof structure is equal to the length of abi encoded public outputs, not including the size of the Proof placeholder.

See the code snippets below for pseudocode:

fn main() {
pub struct GuestOutput {
    pub evm_call_result: Vec<u8>,


Step 2: Host output as v_call result

In the next step, the Host replaces the seal field in the Proof placeholder with the actual seal, which is a cryptographic proof of the Prover's execution. The Host then returns this via the JSON-RPC v_call method, delivering the seal as a byte string in the result field.

This approach allows the smart contract developer to decode the v_call result as though they were decoding the Prover function's output directly. In other words, the v_call result is compatible with, and can be decoded according to, the ABI of the called Prover function.

In this step, the Host also fills in the field callGuestId, which is a hint to the Verifier about the version of the Guest program.

Step 3: Verifier call

Finally, the method on the on-chain smart contract is called to verify the proof. More on that in the next section.

Proof verification

To verify a zero-knowledge proof, vlayer uses a verify function, delivered by Risc-0.

function verify(Seal calldata seal, bytes32 imageId, bytes32 journalDigest) { /* ... */ }

onlyVerified gets seal and journalDigest by slicing it out of

length field of Proof structure is used, when guest output bytes are restored in Solidity in order to compute journalDigest. length field hints the verifier, which bytes should be included in the journal, since they belong to encoding of the public outputs, and which bytes belong to extra arguments, passed additionally in calldata.

imageId is fixed on blockchain and updated on each new version of vlayer.


The ImageId is an indicator of the specific Guest program used to generate a proof. A simple mental model is that the ImageId is a digest of the ELF file executed within the zkvm and of its boot environment. More information on ImageId can be found here.

The ImageId can change frequently, especially on testnets, since any update to the Guest code changes the executable bytecode, which in turn changes the ImageId. This is a desirable feature because it assures developers that the exact Guest code executed is the one they expected. It also prevents attackers from providing a proof generated by a malicious or incorrect Guest that would falsely attest to a particular state.

The guestCallId returned by the vlayer prover improves error handling and enables the whitelisting of specific ImageIds.

Note: The callGuestId field is not part of the journalDigest and therefore is not cryptographically validated meaning transaction sender can try to put overwrite this field. However, this does not impact security, since proofs generated for one ImageId will fail to verify in the context of a different ImageId.

Data encoding summary

Below, is a schema of how a block of data is encoded in different structures at different stages.



The Proof structure looks as follows:

struct Proof {
    uint32 length;
    Seal seal;
    CallAssumptions callAssumptions;

with Seal having the following structure:

enum ProofMode {

struct Seal {
    bytes32[8] seal;
    ProofMode mode;

and the following structure of CallAssumptions:

struct CallAssumptions {
    address proverContractAddress;
    bytes4 functionSelector;
    uint256 settleBlockNumber;
    bytes32 settleBlockHash;

Note that Proof, Seal and CallAssumptions structures are generated based on Solidity code from with sol! macro.



library EmailProofLib {
    function verify(UnverifiedEmail memory unverifiedEmail) internal view returns (VerifiedEmail memory);

library WebProofLib {
    function verify(WebProof memory webProof, string memory dataUrl) internal view returns (Web memory);
    function recover(WebProof memory webProof) internal view returns (Web memory);
Note that `EmailProofLib.verify()` and `WebProofLib.verify()` functions are intended to be called during the proving process, unlike the `Verifier.verify()`.


Unverified Email

The UnverifiedEmail is passed into the EmailProofLib.verify() function. It returns the VerifiedEmail struct, described below.

struct UnverifiedEmail {
    string email; // Raw MIME-encoded email
    DnsRecord dnsRecord;
    VerificationData verificationData;

// Describes DNS record, according to DoH spec
struct DnsRecord {
    string name;
    uint8 recordType;
    string data;
    uint64 ttl;

// Signature data of the DNS record
struct VerificationData {
    uint64 validUntil; // Signature expiration timestamp
    bytes signature; // DNS Notary signature of the serialized DNS record
    bytes pubKey; // Public key used for signature

Verified Email

struct VerifiedEmail {
    string from; // Sender email address
    string to; // Recipient email address
    string subject; // Email subject
    string body; // Email body

Two Proving Modes

To support two proving modes, vlayer provides a set of smart contracts connected to the Verifier contract, one for each mode:

  • DEVELOPMENT - Automatically deployed with each Prover contract, but only on development and test networks. This mode will be used if the ProofMode decoded from SEAL is FAKE.
  • PRODUCTION - This requires infrastructure deployed ahead of time that performs actual verification. This mode will be used if the ProofMode decoded from SEAL is GROTH16.

Deployment and Release


The process of releasing vlayer spans across four environments:

  1. User Environment - web browsers
  2. Developer Environment - Tools and libraries on the developer's local machine
  3. vlayer Node Infrastructure - Consists of various server types
  4. Blockchain Networks - Smart contracts deployed across multiple chains

The diagram below illustrates these environments, along with associated artifacts and key interdependencies:


User Experience

From a delivery perspective, the key aspects of user experience are:

  • Reliable, functioning software
  • Clear error messages when issues arise
  • An easy update process for deprecated software

Users primarily interact with two main artifacts:

  • The SDK, embedded within the developer's web application
  • The developer's smart contracts, which interface with vlayer smart contracts
  • Optionally, a browser extension if the user is engaging with Web Proofs

Unfortunately, both the user and vlayer have limited control over the SDK version in use. The SDK is implemented by the developer and updated only at the developer’s discretion.

Developer Experience

Alpha and Beta Versions

To ensure developers have the best possible experience, we will encourage and/or require them to always update to the most recent version of vlayer. Our goal is to release new versions daily. This approach ensures that:

  • Developers have access to the latest features and bug fixes.
  • We can guarantee compatibility among various artifacts.

A potential downside of this approach is that it may require developers to address bugs in their code caused by breaking changes in vlayer.


In the production environment, we still want to encourage developers to update to the latest version; however, we may choose to:

  • Release new versions less frequently (e.g., weekly).
  • Avoid introducing breaking changes and changes to audited code.

Artifacts and Deployment Cycles

Each environment includes multiple artifacts, each with distinct deployment cycle limitations, as detailed below.

User Environment (Web Browser)

  • Extension

    • Release: vlayer manually releases updates to the Chrome Web Store and other extension platforms. Although automated releases are technically feasible, the store acceptance process introduces some unpredictability.
    • Installation: Users install extensions manually from the store.
    • Updates: Browsers typically handle automatic updates, additionally users can be encouraged or enforced to update manually if needed.
  • SDK

    • Release: vlayer releases new SDK versions daily.
    • Installation: Developers add the SDK to their project dependencies.
    • Updates: Neither vlayer nor the user can enforce SDK version updates, making SDK updates the least controllable in terms of version management on the user's end.

Developer Environment (Command Line Tools)

  • vlayer Command Line Tool - Used in different contexts:
    • With init and test flags, tightly integrated with Foundry
    • With prover, an optional dependency for local development
  • Local Development SDK
  • vlayer Smart Contracts - Managed via Soldeer
  • Foundry - An external dependency requiring updates synchronized with vlayer to:
    • Ensure test and init commands operate in the same directory as forge and other tools
    • Support the latest REVM (Rust Ethereum Virtual Machine) changes, including hard-fork and network compatibility

Updating these artifacts is encouraged or enforced through vlayer CLI commands (test, init, prove) and is executable via vlayer update.

Blockchain Networks (Smart Contracts)

  • User’s Smart Contract - Derived from the Verifier base class, with deployment managed externally
  • Verifier Helper Smart Contract - Often deployed daily

vlayer Node Infrastructure (Servers)

  • User Dashboard - A user interface for managing proof history and purchasing
  • vlayer Prover - A server for executing Prover operations
  • Chain Proves Cache - A server for pre-proving on-chain data, including a JSON RPC server and worker components
  • Notary - Manages notarization in the Web Proofs context, deployed as needed
  • WebSocket Proxy - Handles TCP/IP connection proxying for Web Proofs, deployed as required
  • Additional Components - Includes monitoring infrastructure and networked proving systems

All server infrastructure may undergo daily deployments to accommodate updates.

ExtensionChrome Web Storeperiodicstoreauto + enforce
SDKDevelopers' appuncontrollableuncontrollable
Smart Contracts packageSoldeerdailysoldeervlayer update
vlayer (cli + prover)GitHubdailyvlayerupvlayer update
SDKNpmdailynpm installvlayer update
foundryfoundryupfoundry upvlayer update
User's contractsBlockchainuncontrollable-uncontrollable
vlayer contractsBlockchaindaily--
vlayer infrastructure
user dashboardServerdaily--
vlayer proverServerdaily--
block cacheServerdaily--
web socket proxyServerdaily
proving network (Bonsai)Serveruncontrollable

High level architecture

The following diagram depicts the high-level architecture of how the Web Proof feature works:

Architecture diagram

Arrows on the diagram depict data flow between the actors (rectangles).

Generating and ZK-proving a Web Proof consits of the following steps:

  1. vlayer SDK (used in a webapp) requests a Web Proof from vlayer browser extension.
  2. The extension opens a TLS connection to a Server (2a) through a WebSocket proxy (2b), while conducting MPC-TLS session with the Notary (2c), generating a Web Proof of an HTTPS request to the Server. The WebSocket proxy is needed to provide the extension access to low-level details of the TLS handshake, which is normally not available within the browser, while the Notary acts as a trusted third party who certifies the transcript of the HTTPS request (without actually seing it). For details of how the TLSN protocol works, please check TLSN documentation.
  3. The Web Proof is then sent back to vlayer SDK.
  4. vlayer SDK makes a v_call to vlayer Prover server, including the Web Proof as calldata to Prover Smart Contract.
  5. Prover Smart Contract calls web_proof.verify() custom precompile (see Precompiles, which validates the Web Proof, parses the HTTP transcript and returns it to Prover Smart Contract.
  6. Prover Smart Contract then calls json.get_string() custom precompile (see Precompiles, which parses JSON response body from the HTTP transcript and returns value for the specified key.
  7. When Prover Smart Contract execution successfully finishes, vlayer Prover returns ZK proof of the Contract execution back to the SDK. The ZK proof can then be verified on-chain.

Email Proofs Architecture

Email proof sequence flow

Architecture diagram

Generating and ZK-proving an Email Proof consists of the following steps:

  1. The received email MIME file is extracted from the email client.
  2. The preverifyEmail in the SDK prepares the UnverifiedEmail struct that is ready to be sent to the Prover Contract.
    • Performs basic preverification - checks if the DKIM-Signature header is present.
    • Calls the DNS Notary to get the verification data of the sender's domain.
    • Note that all these steps can be performed without the vlayerSDK.
  3. The DNS Notary fetches the public key used to sign the email from a number of DNS providers, compares the results, and if there's a consensus among them, signs the result with its private key.
  4. The DNS record with it's signature and the raw email together form the UnverifiedEmail struct.
  5. A v_call is made to the vlayer server with the UnverifiedEmail struct as well as the rest of the Prover contract arguments as calldata, chain ID, and the address of the deployed Prover contract.
  6. The Prover contract must use the EmailProofLib, where the DNS Notary public key is verified. The EmailProofLib library calls the Repository contract to verify whether the DNS Notary public key is valid. It also checks the signature TTL against the current block timestamp.
  7. Next, the EmailProofLib contract calls the email_proof.verify(UnverifiedEmail) custom precompile (see Precompiles), which validates the Email Proof, parses the email MIME file, and returns a VerifiedEmail.
  8. If the verification is successful, the EmailProofLib returns the VerifiedEmail struct to the Prover contract. Otherwise, it will revert.


vlayer exposes one RPC endpoint under / with the following methods:

  • v_call
  • v_versions
  • v_getProofReceipt
  • v_proveChain

With general format of request looking a follows.

    "method": "<method name>",
    "params": [{
        "<params object>"

And the response format below.

    "jsonrpc": "<version>",
    "result": {
        "<result object>"


v_call is the core endpoint that vlayer provides, with the following format request:

    "method": "v_call",
    "params": [{ // CallParams   
        "to": "<contract address>",
        "data": "0x<abi encoded calldata>",
    }, { // CallContext
        "chain_id": "<desired chain id>",
        "gas_limit" "<maximum gas limit (default in SDK: 1_000_000)>",

and the response:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "hash": "<proving hash>",
        "evm_call_result": "...",
        "proof": "<abi encoded result of preflight execution>",


v_versions is the health check/versions endpoint

    "method": "v_versions",
    "params": []

and the response:

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "call_guest_id": "0x8400c1983ee247ec835e565f924e13103b7a6557efd25f6b899bf9ed0c7ca491",
        "chain_guest_id": "0x9b330c5fda07d640226342a91272a661b9e51ad6713427777720bc26489dbc75",
        "semver": "1.2.3-dev-20241231-ae03fe73"



To get result of v_call query v_getProofReceipt.

    "method": "v_getProofReceipt",
    "params": {   
        "hash": "<proof request hash>",

There are 5 possible status values:

  • queued
  • waiting_for_chain_proof
  • preflight
  • proving
  • ready

If status is ready, the server will respond with a proof receipt.

Queued, WaitingForChainProof, Preflight, Proving

    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "status": "queued" | "waiting_for_chain_proof" | "preflight" | "proving",


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {        
        "status": "ready",
        "receipt": {
            "data": {
                "proof": "<calldata encoded Proof structure>",
                "evm_call_result": "<calldata encoded result of execution>",
            "metrics": {
                "gas": 0,
                "cycles": 0,
                "times": {
                    "preflight": 0,
                    "proving": 0,

evm_call_result is an ABI encoded result of the function execution and proof is a Solidity Proof structure to prepend in verifier function. Note that settlement block is only available in receipt, as we don't want to make assumption on when the the settlement block is assigned.

metrics contains aggregated statistics gathered during proof generation. gas corresponds to gas used in the preflight step, while cycles is the number of CPU cycles utilized during proving. Additionally, times.preflight and times.proving are both expressed in milliseconds.


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "message": "<error message>",



This call takes chain ID and an array of block numbers as an argument.

An example call could look like this:

  "method": "v_getChainProof",
  "params": {
    "chain_id": 1,
    "block_numbers": [
      20_762_494, // This should be recent block that can be verified on-chain


It returns two things:

  • Sparse MPT that contains proofs for all block numbers passed as arguments.
  • 𝜋 - the zk-proof that the trie was constructed correctly (invariant that all the blocks belong to the same chain is maintained).
    "result": {
        "proof": "0x...", // ZK Proof
        "nodes": [
          "0x..." // Root node. It's hash is proven by ZK Proof
          "0x..." // Other nodes in arbitrary order

Gas meter JSON-RPC API


  "method": "v_allocateGas",
  "params": [
          "hash": "0xdeadbeef",
          "gas_limit": 1000000,
          "time_to_live": 3600


  "method": "v_refundUnusedGas",
  "params": [
          "hash": "0xdeadbeef",
          "gas_used": 1000000,
          "computation_stage": "preflight"
  "method": "v_refundUnusedGas",
  "params": [
          "hash": "0xdeadbeef",
          "gas_used": 1000000,
          "computation_stage": "proving"

Proof composition

Proof composition is explained in RISC Zero documentation, the verifiable computation tooling used by vlayer. For more details, refer to their resources:

This page aims to describe it from a practical perspective focusing on our use-case.


We use proof composition in Chain Proofs. The trie is correct if:

  • the previous trie was correct;
  • the operation executed is correct.

In order to verify first point - we need to verify a ZK proof (correctness of the previous step) from within a ZK proof (correctness of this step).


Proofs that we store in the DB are bincode serialized Receipts.

Receipt contains:

  • Journal - proof output: Bytes
  • Inner receipt - polymorphic receipt
enum InnerReceipt {
    /// Linear size receipt. We don't use that
    /// Constant size STARK receipt
    /// Constant size SNARK receipt
    /// Fake receipt

In order to use one proof within another in ZKVM - we need to convert a Receipt into an Assumption. This is trivial as AssumptionReceipt implements From<Receipt>.


Within Guest - one should use env::verify function:

use risc0_zkvm::guest::env;

env::verify(HELLO_WORLD_ID, b"journal".as_slice()).unwrap();

This function accepts guest ID, journal and not the proof as all the available proofs are stored within env.

Important Proof composition only works on Succinct proofs and not Groth16 proofs.

In Chain Proofs - we store all proofs as Succinct receipts. Chain Proof gets injected into Call Proof as Succinct receipt. In the end Call Proof gets converted into a Groth16 receipt to be verified in a Smart Contract