Vanilla JS/TS


Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

A common way to interact with blockchain is to make calls and send transactions from JavaScript, most often from a web browser. vlayer provides developer friendly JavaScript/TypeScript API - vlayer SDK. It combines well with the standard way of interacting with smart contracts.


To install vlayer SDK, run the following command in your JavaScript application

yarn add @vlayer/sdk

vlayer client

A vlayer client is an interface to vlayer JSON-RPC API methods to trigger and follow the status of proving. It also provides convenient access to specific vlayer features such as Web Proofs and Email Proofs.

Initialize a client with default prover.

import { createVlayerClient } from '@vlayer/sdk'
const vlayer = createVlayerClient();

Initialize a client with prover with specific url.

import { createVlayerClient } from '@vlayer/sdk'
const vlayer = createVlayerClient({
  proverUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',


In order to start proving, we will need to provide:

  • address - an address of prover contract
  • proverAbi - abi of prover contract
  • functionName - name of prover contract function to call
  • args - an array of arguments to functionName prover contract function
  • chainId - id of the chain in whose context the prover contract call shall be executed
import { foundry } from 'viem/chains'
import { proverAbi } from './proverAbi'

const hash = await vlayer.prove({
    address: '0x70997970c51812dc3a010c7d01b50e0d17dc79c8',
    functionName: 'main',
    args: ['0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045', 123],
    chainId: foundry,

Waiting for result

Wait for the proving to be finished, and then retrieve the result along with Proof.

const result = await vlayer.waitForProvingResult(hash);


Once we have obtained proving result, we can call verifier contract (below example demonstrates how to use createAnvilClient function for that purpose).

import { verifierAbi } from './verifierAbi'
import { testHelpers } from '@vlayer/sdk'

    abi: verifierAbi,
    functionName: 'verify',
    args: result,