
Actively in Development

Our team is currently working on this feature. If you experience any bugs, please let us know on our Discord. We appreciate your patience.

vlayer Prover contracts are almost the same as regular Solidity smart contracts, with two main differences:

  • Access to Off-Chain Data: Prover contracts accept data from multiple sources through features such as time travel, teleport, email proofs, and web proofs. This allows claims to be verified on-chain without exposing all input the data.

  • Execution Environment: The Prover code executes on the vlayer zkEVM, where the proofs of computation are subsequently verified by the on-chain Verifier contract. Unlike the on-chain contract, the Prover does not have access to the current block. It can only access previously mined blocks. Under the hood, vlayer generates zero-knowledge proofs of the Prover's execution.

Prover in-depth

Prover parent contract

Any contract function can be run in the vlayer prover, but to access the additional features listed above, the contract should inherit from the Prover contract and any function can be used as a proving function.

Arguments and returned value

Arbitrary arguments can be passed to Prover functions. All arguments are private, meaning they are not visible on-chain; however, they are visible to the prover server.

All data returned by functions is public. To make an argument public on-chain, return it from the function.


We impose the following restrictions on the proof:

  • Calldata passed into the Prover cannot exceed 5 MB.


Once the Prover computation is complete, a proof is generated and made available along with the returned value. This output can then be consumed and cryptographically verified by the Verifier on-chain smart contract.

Note that all values returned from Prover functions becomes a public input for on-chain verification. Arguments passed to Prover functions remain private.

The list of returned arguments must match the arguments used by the Verifier (see the Verifier page for details).

vlayer Prover must return a placeholder proof as the first argument to maintain consistency with Verifier arguments. Placeholder Proof returned by Prover is created by its method proof(), which is later replaced by the real proof, once it's generated.


The Prover contract code must be deployed before use. To do so, just use regular Foundry workflow.

Prepare deployment script:

contract SimpleScript is Script {
    function setUp() public {}

    function run() public {
        uint256 deployerPrivateKey = vm.envUint("DEPLOYER_PRIV");

        SimpleProver simpleProver = new SimpleProver();
        console2.log("SimpleProver contract deployed to:", address(simpleProver));

Local environment

In the separate terminal, run the local Ethereum test node:


Then save and execute it:

DEPLOYER_PRIV=PRIVATE_KEY forge script path/to/Script.s.sol --rpc-url

The above command deploys the SimpleProver contract code to local network.

If successful, the above command returns the contract address and the Prover is ready for generating proofs.

For production use proper RPC url and encrypt private key instead of using it via plain text